Okay, random info on my life

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Flamedancer, Jul 20, 2008.

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  1. Flamedancer Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 16, 2007
    Wandering about, pondering life
    Okay, so I was watching Bleach and I was looking in the credits for Cathy Weseluck, who does the voice of Near in DN, because I thought I heard her. So I didn't find her, but I DID find Wally Wingert. Okay, so Wally Wingert was already cool in my book because he's done a lot of voices (i.e. Almighty Tallest Red, Rufus Shinra, etc.) Well, then I look him up and find out that he's Renji's voice on Bleach. I know everyone's going to be like "I already knew that! You're so stupid!!" but I just found that out and think it's really cool. So I go to his website and look up all the voice-overs he's done. IT'S FREAKING AMAZING!!! He's everywhere, and I totally didn't know it. So, he's added in my top VA's list, along with Tress MacNeille, Quinton Flynn, and Rob Paulsen, all of whom I deeply respect in the area of voice acting.

    And yes, if you haven't noticed, one of my dreams is to be a VA. It has been since I was a little girl, so, yeah...
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