Okay math people, help me understand

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Iskandar, Oct 20, 2015.

  1. Iskandar King of Conquerors

    May 7, 2011
    Could someone please explain how to tell the difference between Annuities and Sinking Funds and Amortization? I understand the formulas, but every time I have a question in a quiz to tell what formula to use, I can't tell exactly which ones. Sometimes I take a guess because it sounds right and get the right answer, but that's not really understanding, and I'm asking here because I check here more than I do the site for math that I go to once every few days just to do a quiz.

    Here's a question I got wrong on one of the quizzes with such a question.
    I picked D because I thought it was because there was a goal that the guy was setting, and wasn't that one of the reasons for Sinking Funds to be used? See, I'm having a hard enough trouble explaining why I exactly picked the answer. I understand to use Present Value of Annuity and Future Value of Annuity if it's just those two question, and same for Sinking Funds/Amortization, but not if I'm trying to identify. I just can't figure out the exact difference. I know there's also set standards for something to be an annuity, but it seems like all the problems with Sinking Funds/Amortization have the exact same kind of setup.