I NEED to make a facebook account because I feel really unconnected to friends lately because they always saying "So this happened on FB" or "Remember that conversion on FB we all had?" But my parents won't let because of "Predictor" issues (I think I'm smart enogh to not tell my ACTUAL location. :P ) Then my friend said if I make one, they'll never know since they don't have one. So should I obay my parents rule or should I make one behind there back and hope for the best? *I forgot "NEVER" in the 'Yes' choice box. Sorry for confusing you all!*
Your poll is quite confusing. This happened to my friend. Her parents wouldn't let her make any social networking accounts because of the same reason. When they found out that she did make one, she proved that there was no creeps in her friends list, so they let her be.
Damn I forgot to put "Never" in the Yes one.... I alway make mistakes in serious threads like this......Can't fix it now.... Okay so your saying keep the friend list "Friendly" with people I/they know? I'll take that in consenderation. Thanks Crumpet! ^^
I say make one, but change your privacy settings to the point where no one can even see your information box or profile pic if they're not on your friends list. I was only allowed to make a FB account on that condition!
Are you talking about Chrisadel? Lol. Personally, I hate FB. I got bored of it. I say, if you feel you're out of the crowd, start making plans and go places! That way you can make memories of having REAL conversations. But if you're all for making one, like Crumpet said, only add people you really know. Otherwise, it gets awkward and you get freaky stalkers like Crumpet did.
Go do it. My parents wouldnt let me either but i did it anyway. They never found out ..yet *knocks on wood
make one but only add people that you know. dont add famous people or a local store as your friend. and if your parents have a facebook account, add them. my parents said that i couldnt have a facebook account and when i made one not too long ago, my dad was the first person i sent a friend request to. facebook would be a good way for you to keep in touch with your friends when they are on vacation or when you are on vacation.