Ok so school starts tomorrow...

Discussion in 'Help with Life' started by x0xnaminex0x, Aug 28, 2011.

  1. x0xnaminex0x Destiny Islands Resident

    Feb 22, 2009
    And its going to be my first day of high school. I'm totally freaked out (which i guess is normal). The reason is for one its a new school. second even though my friends are going to be in the same high school with me we are not in the same classes which freaks me out. I'm usual good at making new friends but i will be in the same classes as the tenth graders who are not the nicest and will make us ninth grades have the most terrible experience of freshmen year. We also have block scheduling which means we have flex which also means that i will not have lunch with only people my age (like how it is every year). So because of this I'm scared i won't make friends and be all alone at lunch. I'm not sure if I'm overthinking this or not. What I'm really asking is for advice on how to survive high school. So if you guys could, please give me some advice. Thanks!
  2. Amaury Chaser

    Jan 15, 2007
    Ellensburg, WA
    I felt the same the way when I was a Freshman for the 2008 - 2009 school year, although I had been taken out of school before and homeschooled for two years, so I was even more nervous.

    Anyway, the first day is always pretty easy-going.

    Try not to think about it too much, and you'll get by just fine.

    Also, while you may not have the same classes as your friends, you can still see them during lunch or the halls during the five minutes you have to get to your next class.
  3. Te Deum Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 25, 2011
    I started school a week ago. <.>

    Just do good this year, and you'll do go throughout the rest of High School.

    Unless you screw up this year, you always have next year. And the year after that.

    My advice is, hope to God for good teachers.

  4. Plums Wakanda Forever

    Aug 21, 2009
    Well, my school runs 7-12 so I didn't have to go to a new building, so you can take this with a grain of salt.

    Honestly, the "Freshman Friday" thing doesn't happen. The older students are actually pretty nice when you get to know them. I even have a few friends that graduated this past school year. o;

    Also, like Amaury said, you'll still see your friends in the hallways. Not to mention, fire drills, field trips; sure, you may not see them as much as you used to, but you'll still see them for a good chunk of time per day. As for lunch, when I first came to my school as a 7th grader in 2006-2007, I just found a table and sat there, lolol. Just find people in your grade think would be interesting to talk to. Considering that they may be going through the same nervousness you are, you all can talk about how your day is going so far and let the conversation flow from there.

    I hope this was helpful, and I wish you the best of luck when you get there. c:
  5. x0xnaminex0x Destiny Islands Resident

    Feb 22, 2009
    thank you guys for the great advice. ill remember the advice you guys gave me for tomorrow. hopefully tomorrow will be good as guys said it will be. thanks again! :)
  6. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    to Help With Life.

    Anyway, I was frightened on my first day of high school too.
    In regards to it being a new school, I am terrible at finding my way around buildings for some reason. What I did was have my sister write down a general route for me (yes that is a little sad but it works :v), and get one of the maps that they (probably) provide in the main office. Even if you're a little late to your classes, I'm sure your teachers will understand in the first week or so.

    For friends in your classes, I had the same problem--the ones I did have with the people in my grade didn't have any of my friends, and the rest were with upperclassmen. If there are no friends in your classes that you know of right now, that can always change; there's always a few people who have scheduling issues and get theirs entirely changed. And you never know, there could be people in the classes you're acquainted with, and now you have a chance to get to know them better!
    Upperclassmen are (generally) nice, though. People exaggerate things. It depends on the school, of course, but just make some friendly conversation with them and you'll be fine. =]

    Lunch, well, I've had issues with that before. Being alone during your lunch period isn't the worst thing in the world, though--when I didn't have it with any of my friends, I used it as a study hall, and ended up getting the majority of my homework done in it. ;o

    Just relax and you'll be fine. =]
  7. Pinekaboo Chaser

    Feb 18, 2011
    Britain works differently with schools, so I can't really offer any help with that side of things, but when it comes to being seperated from friends; don't worry.
    Even if you don't go particularly far out of your way to talk to people, you will find people in your class that have similar interests to you, or you otherwise get along with. I was seperated from just about everybody I knew when I moved from Junior to Secondary school, and I knew literally nobody when I first started college, but it's easy to get to know people, even if you're an overly shy person like me.

    Hope this makes you feel a little more at ease about it. Good luck with starting at your new school, in any case.