my last thread turned good now there's another complication thats turned into a total sh*t-storm (excuse my language but there's no other description) well ive been having lots of fights with family and friends, and i didnt want Chelsea to get worried too much about me, so i said i wasnt ready for a relationship at the moment because i had lots of stuff goin on here's the bad part, i thought it over, and i decided i wanted her with me no matter what, but now one of her "good friends" said he likes her and she said she needs some time to think about what she feels i feel like ive lost her for good :'( (btw this is one of the very rare occasions where i cry, im mainly very good with my sadness)
My aid would be to stand back for a few hours.... you seem to have got caught up in moments. You have to get your thoughts in order and decide what cource you wanna take. If you decide you are ABLE to take her back and I mean ABLE to. Then tell her quick, if not you might have to let her go... As for your family I think counting would help and ask why your fighting so much. Maybe you should talk to them less.......
i just dont know what to do i love her so much, but if she says she likes this other guy more, i cant do anything
well you should give her a little space,give her time to think,also show her why she loved you in the first place