Ok Guys.

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Catch the Rain, Jun 12, 2008.

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  1. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    First of all I know it is highly frustrating when a member like Mimikins joins and trolls the boards, even more so when there isn't anything you can really do and there are no staff around to deal with it.

    We try our best but we can't always be online when we are needed xD we don't have little alarms that tell us when the forum is in trouble. This is why we need you guys to be mature and be responsible.

    In the event of a troll attack/major spam attack/some form of chaos.

    1) Don't panic, we may not be online at that specific point in time but the staff will deal with it as soon as they can.

    2) For the love of (insert deity of your choice) do NOT reply to the troll/spammer, this is what they want, they want a reaction, you giving them a reaction only pleases them and encourages them.

    3) Do NOT make mimic threads D: again this is giving them a reaction and will only drive them on more. They want people to get mad.

    4) Do PM a staff member, it doesn't matter if they are online or not, PM them anyway so that when they do sign on they can deal with it right away, if you put the title to be something like [URGENT].

    5) Do ignore the troll/spammer, don't even discuss them xD instead act as though you cannot even see their presence, true this will piss them off, but if you show no reaction then they get no kick out of it.

    6) This isn't a major thing, but uh, don't waste your rep allowances on de-repping said trolls/spammers, I mean if you want to then go ahead, but since they will be banned anyway there really isn't much point. Though that is down to personal opinion. ​

    Feel smug when they get their ass banned and you know you were the mature one xDDD don't sink to their level, just laugh at their stupidity <3
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