Since I made a clan I suppose I should show my work LOL. Lots of people here from TKK I noticed so they've already seen some of my stuff but for the rest of youuuuu:
Cool sigs, bro. I've seen your work from TKK, and they're supah amazin'. You're probably one of the best here in this site right now. It's pretty rare nowadays. KHV is not much active in GA now compared to before. So you might not expect any other members going to your clan. :P You can invite other people from TKK to your clan, though.
Ohheythere. I've already seen you at TKK but never got a chance to see all of your work and HOLY SHIZ! These are quite sexy. All of them are good but my favorite out of the six is tied between the third and sixth one. Like Jojoj13 said, the GFX section in KHV isn't as big as TKK's and most of the people who make graphics are already in Resistance.
Yeah but I still want to try ;-;. If no one joins then I'll just be a one person clannnn. And thank you =].
I love that you predominantly use black and blue, they look so lovely together. <3 Very nice stuff though, especially the third one. I like that you don't stick to just one style, everything is always so interesting.
I love how everything flows together to make one picture. Black and blue always look lovely together Love it all :noworries: