Well ... I was outside, running around, exercising. Figured I would be because the weather has been really nice. Well, while I was running my knee twisted in some kind of way or something, and it popped. I mean, I literally heard it pop. Not cracking your fingers pop, but something of an air pocket pop? If that makes sense? Well, it hurt like crazy and I wasn't listening to everyone telling me to put ice on it because I am a very independent person, so I was just going to walk it off. It was getting better but then I tripped on a crack in the sidewalk and it popped again. I obviously put ice on it now, but I mean ... It hurts like Hell! And the only reason I find it funny is because everyone was laughing at my reactions because I am "over dramatic," but they don't understand the pain! >.<
Spoiler Jk jk jk That sounds really painful >.< Hope it gets better soon. Make sure you keep ice on your knee and try to stay off it for a while. Give it plenty of time to heal.
Aww, poor you! I know the feeling. But instead of my knee, it's my ankle. Make sure to give it time to heal and make sure you don't move your knee that much. Hope you feel better soon!
Hah, that Peter gif ... I swear sometimes I was doing that myself. I plan on it. But tomorrow if it feels better, I want to try and walk it off because I am always on my feet most of the time.
I might have seen it ... I mean, for me the image is broken ... :/ But nonetheless, thanks for the thought. c:
Every so often I feel guilty for my sedentary lifestyle, plan complicated exercise regiments, and then play video games for eight hours straight.