GIFs were well chosen on this one (I laughed at both Lokis and my ovaries just exploded thanks to Mr Stark) When I've seen it, we need to nerdgasm over it together.
Cat, I don't know if you'll survive the movie. You might just OD on Stark and all the awesome and be unable to move. I had the one girl with me who will always criticize the problems with a comic book movie, there was none. It was amazing.
I know... My body will never be ready enough for that much Stark (or Steve, though I hate the fan ship). WHEN I get my Iron Man 3D glasses, I will have pics for you all while I wear my giant-ass Iron Man t-shirt and scream in the theater every time Robert Downey sexy comes on screen. Just like A Game of Shadows~
I WOULD be going to see this, if my Grandmother didn't want to see Mirror Mirror instead :/ I hate her taste in movies, oh-so-much.
Ouch. Feenie, I'm sorry... I'm so sorry. Still, I missed my chance to get my Iron Man glasses and A GIRL CAME TO SCHOOL WITH THEM!!! brb, crying and making a page full of fandom to calm myself~
Just show her this : [video=youtube;zpHgBsUi6CM][/video]