Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Cherry Berry, Mar 29, 2010.
[Oh god lol] Spoiler
Dumblydore kills Snape?
We've had it the wrong way round all along. :l
MY WOMB. ITS BEAUTIFUL. the Abra makes it awesome xD
I'm so making an avatar out of this.
i was gonna go put the womb thing in my sig, sadly i go to school in 4 minutes lmao
xDDD Genius.
the thing that makes it awesome is that all this is happening while Ebony is neked
Ewww, Loopin masticating.
Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant.
xD There's much more of this... Posted another one on the my immortal group page. xD
I finished reading it today. Ch. 38 was amazing.
Indeed it was x3