Oh How I Wonder

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Malice, Nov 6, 2011.

  1. Malice Merlin's Housekeeper

    Dec 3, 2010
    Confined to this horrid prison.
    Wonder indeed, to the world that brings so much to me.
    So full of life, and like a woman, able to seduce even the most inpenatrable of wills.
    You offer new things, and as we grow together, I learn to appreciate you more and more.
    But all in the same, we have our conflictions and our differences, which drives us apart.
    In the end,I cannot help but come crawling back to you,for even if we agree, you o wonderous world,
    You are the light of my day, and the reason I live.
    No matter where I go or how I change, you are always open to what I have to say.
    No matter who becomes my friend or foe, you are always here.
    Upon entering this life, we were bound with vows, for better or worse.
    So, o wonderous world, I wonder. Oh how I wonder.
    When I am in my merriest of spirits, oh how I wonder.
    When I am sad and cannot be reached, oh how I wonder.
    When I am shining full of pride, oh how I wonder
    And when I am broken hearted, shattered. Oh, how I wonder.
    As much as you provide for me, just how can I provide for you, when I still have so much to learn about you?

    Kinda sounds like a poem. Doesn't really rhyme or anything...but felt like putting it somewhere. After all, how can one appreciate what they themselves consider art when it is not open for the world to see it, aye?
  2. Droid Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 19, 2011
    .__. quit that. Makaze is a legendary and therefore genderless.

    @ActualPost I'd say more poem like, had a nice flow anyways. Gives an interesting perspective on our world, good writing.
  3. Malice Merlin's Housekeeper

    Dec 3, 2010
    Confined to this horrid prison.
    Stalkers used to be quite the compliment for me in my younger years, but when an exgirlfriend is unable to get over you, you tend to learn that while it only encourages the ideal of just how incredibly I must be to make this person crave me so, there's always that one chance that they'll end up being like that woman in a Stephan King film (a name which escapes me), whom decided that there was nothing more romantic than killing herself, after killing the man that she had paralyzed in order to keep trapped in her house. Quite personally, I dislike the idea of having my legs hammered by you, so whilst I do appreciate you stalking me on this lovely night, I must also request that my legs, or any limbs/vital area's I might consider important be avoided by you, my dear stalker friend.

    As for the advice, I thank you for such. As things stand, the pressure of having someone do what I do to so many to me has left me at an awe, and there for, at quite the disadvantage. Misgrammar does not seem to hinder one when on purpose, but in using it purposely, I believe that you are right in saying that like a homeless man with a stray cat in his hands, it shall naw at her until eventually, battle is the only option left. I am in your debt, my strange stalker friend.

    As for the person, I suppose that you could say that I only used the reference of a woman simply because just as the idea of finding a person that I might ever consider being in a relationship with, the world has just that much of an effect on me. One would be surprised just how little most people know, while it is equally as easy to figure it out. To those that are not controlled by normalcy, it becomes not only exciting, but for ever quenching to my never ending hunger for knowledge and excitement.

    On that note...it raises the question...the fact that you know of such, just how is it that such things are common knowledge? Perhaps I have underestimated you as an opponent, stalker-san. I believe that we are at an impass, where this game of wits, like that of a stalker chain, shall begin in a never ending battle until the fabrics of time itself run short |: