Digital Art Oh, heck, just post them all will ya!?

Discussion in 'Arts & Graphics' started by Chevalier, Jun 1, 2010.

  1. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    Rabbit Heart

    No One

    Flow in the Broken

    Out of the Loop


    Here's Not Enough


    Dreaming Isn't Enough

    The first 3 are recent, and the first two were me messing with different styles. The other two are more stylish, and have far more color.

    The Large work was stuff I did at random. The first one was done last month, or so. The other two were done yesterday and today, respectively.

    CnC? Thoughts, suggestions?
  2. Scott Pilgrim Banned

    Aug 11, 2008

    Spend less time making tags and more time perfecting the ones you have in front of you. As I've told you on msn, you have a good sense of style and don't always tick to one single type of tag. I like that, but I think these above me are not even close to some of your older work. 3rd one is the only one I would consider being one of your better ones. Only thing I can compliment is your mastery of text. You can't get any better at it than you are now with that style, now take it to the next level by making it not just blend and cover up spots, but add to the tag.

    <3 Not bad Jonanananana