I recently turned on my computer and one side of it has been darker than the other and it keeps on blinking. Do you guys know how to fix this? Thanks.
Make sure your display cable that goes from the tower to the monitor is plugged in properly on both ends.
Hey--may I ask--where's the display cable and what tower? cx I'm a newb at this technology stuff, so...
But that's not what I was talking about. cx Thanks for the help though anyway. I was asking about inside of the computer. cx
If it's darker on one side, it sounds like it could be burn marks. I would unplug it immediately and have it checked out as soon as possible. It's better to be safe than sorry.
Do you mean the inside of the computer looks burnt? If so, I'd stop using it immediately--even if it is working properly now, there is a definite heating issue in there and you don't want to damage it further. If it's at all possible, could you take pictures? That'd make it a little easier to diagnose. Or do you mean that the display on your screen simply looks strange?
The display on the screen looks a little strange to me. O_o One side is dark while the other is light. I don't know what happened... D:
Take it out of the partial shade-*brick'd* I would check your monitor settings, either the buttons on your monitor or in your settings depending one what you own specifically.
Do you have another monitor anywhere? Or another computer? The easiest way to test what's wrong would be to hook the monitor up to another computer, or the computer up to another monitor. Then you'll know if it's a problem with the monitor or the computer.