so there's been a rash of "ooh, ff15 has only male playable characters? Final Fantays is soooo sexist and really needs to get with the times!" This is Assassin's Creed all over again, but even worse I think the only franchise where women are MORE powerful or significant in video games are freaking Nintendo franchises agh but I keep being flooded by this from every angle Seriously, why do we need to CREATE examples of sexism? There's plenty of REAL sexism aagggh
People really should just nut up and keep their damn mouths shut. Let the story tellers tell the damn story they want. Who honestly cares if the protagonists are all male or if they are all white or if they are all something that doesn't protein to whatever hot button topic that doesn't relate to the story?
different angle that was about if the male protagonists bother people personally, which is totally valid thus is about people who know nothing about something deigning to give them 'advice'
So what if it's all male characters? We had 3 main characters in FFX-2 that were all female. Some side characters and such too, but it's basically the same thing. It really doesn't matter if it's all female/male, as long as the story is good and done right, and the game is fun. If people want to look at it any other way, they can, but I'll just be sighing at their pointless arguments
I do wish there were more female characters, yes, but sometimes things just work out the way they do with no rhyme or reason. Honestly, I'm kinda thinking they were being realistic in this instance, as a group of 4 guys hanging out sounds like a regular thing.
This. I mean, the main heroes of Kingdom Hearts are all male: Sora, Donald, Goofy. Even most of the world allies are male.