Of Black and White Feathers

Discussion in 'Archives' started by YukiSaxor, Oct 17, 2010.

  1. YukiSaxor Destiny Islands Resident

    Sep 29, 2009
    On Stage performing
    Yep I'm too lazy to actually post the whole thing here. But I did post the link.

    This is a book (not a novel making a novel was the only way I can put this into 6 seprate parts) The content in here makes me wonder excatly where does this go. Someone told me that this writing style is free write poetry but I'm not too sure whether I should believe it or not. (Can't believe everything your told on the internet) Along with one of them (Spirit in the mansion) being a experiment to see if I can make a story out of a movie but making the story different (But not too different that if I were to use the movie's clips I had to take a clip from another movie) But since out of the 6 theres only 2 that doesn't really fit in the original works I decided to just put it here cause of the number of things that does belong here. And if this is a free write poem well the admins or mods can movie.

    Summary (from booksie)
    This book is filled with short stories and a poem. About a spirit within a mansion. (The spirit in the mansion)Straying away from popular trends and becoming yourself.(Away from River) Two lovers coming from literally worlds that are so separate. (Dark Lovers) A women with power of dreams and illusions that comes to Earth and is hit with something unexepected, along with how this dream of a women becomes a Nightmare. (Nightmare Nyx) And a girl who has been taught of arts that are dark. (RPR)

    I apologize for my poorly done summary I'm terrible at making a summary for a book.
    Critique would be awesome! (And I really won't care what critique I get since I'm not really liking what I wrote. Its okay to me. )
  2. Korra my other car is a polar bear dog

    Nov 19, 2006
    Republic City
    You'll have to post full things here in order for it to count; posting original things is fine but we don't allow linking off-site.
    Please read the rules of the sections, then you may make a new thread (or threads).

    PM me if you've got any questions. :]
