Anyone played it? Anyone like it? Fav Character? Fav story?? basically any thoughts on the game. Love Velvet... but unfortunately only had the game for a little while and I'm only up to the last Valkyrie level. It's quite a good game, but the gameplay is kind-of annoying with the different potions and pick-ups.
im still on the black prince lol im about to get to velvet... my favorite has to be Gwendlyn or Oscar.. maybe velvets could be best... but i havent gotten to her yet!
yer.... I'm now half-way through Mercedes. I hated Cornelius. Everything about him.. his story bored me and the whole 'pooka' thing pissed me off too. Mercedes isn't that great either, the story has improved but I hate shooting, I prefer to use a sword. Gwendolyn's story was soo much more heart warming than the others have been. Her controlls were better too. :p
this isnt really my kind of game i rented it, and got bored before i could even pass the first part. you see, im not very good in actual combat. but i liked how it looked.
lol. I thought I wouldn't like it at all. but you get used to it actually. I use to HATE FFX & FFX-2 gameplay, now I'm pretty good.. people wonder how I tolerate turn based stuff :p