Odessy: Iraq to home

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Singstar, May 13, 2008.

  1. Singstar Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 21, 2007
    In my schools closet....
    I made this for English lass. I'm not done yet, I have to finish, but I think its good.

    Destination: Iraq
    Today I killed a man. For the first time in my life, I killed a man. My captain and a few of us were out on a scout mission to report the activity of Iran’s in the Central part of Baghdad….where they held the all the civilians to “protect†them from being harmed.
    It was a terrible sight. I thought I was going to be sick. The civilians there…they were so defenseless. They had scared looks on there faces. By what they look like, it seems that they had no food or no water in weeks. It was sickening. All I can hear is baby’s crying and adults moaning. I can see a few, scattered dead bodies, rotting on the floor.
    I was in rage. I was about to run out there and save them, or help them at that, until my captain, Captain Roberts, stopped me. “No, Kite do not do it, or you’ll die out there.†I nodded my head and said a silent prayer to God, to help them survive. I was still in rage, but this got me thinking.
    I missed my family so much. Seeing families sit there, children hugging there mothers and fathers for protection made me think about my own children. It made my eyes swell in tears. I missed my three children. I had 2 daughters, Rachel and Kelly, and one son, Jacob. We had two pets, a Labrador retriever and an Asian Short tail. We named them Short and Stinky, because the cat had a short tail, and the dog always stinks. But most of all, I missed my wife, Coren. I missed her smile, her laugh, and her eyes.
    Thinking about my family made me wonder why I left. I got fired from a mechanical job, and the bills were off the roof, with no way to pay it. We were in terrible debt, and were at the edge of bankruptcy. This was the only way for us to not become homeless. That’s what I told my family. The real reason was not because of the money, it was to make me stronger to protect my family. Was that a good reason to leave? I keep asking myself that question over and over again.
    “Kite, lets go!†my captain yelled. I looked around and saw gunshots. We were seen!
    We got our guns ready and ran. I ran as fast as I could, away from the shooting Irans. As I was running, I noticed that they were shooting perfect shots. A bullet shot one soldier in the arm, another in the leg, and another in his shoulder. But we still ran as fast as we could.
    Just then, another batch of Iran soldiers ran to us the way we were running. There guns were ready to shoot. We were trapped! We took out our guns and shooted at the batch of men in front of us. I
    I shot three in the leg, two in the arm and one in the shoulder. Not one bullet hit me. As I was running, I saw two men pointing there guns at me, but I also saw a gun being pointed at my fellow soldier. I looked back at the man who was pointing their gun at me, and I looked at the Iran pointing at my fellow soldier. What should I do?! I thought.
    I contemplated about the matter a few seconds more, then pointed my gun at the man who was about to shoot my fellow soldier. I shot the Iran in his head. Blood was gushing out. He fell on his knees, dropped his gun, and then landed on the ground. I smiled and turned to the other soldiers but all I heard was two gunshots.
    I felt a pain in my chest, and in my stomach. I looked at my chest and blood was gushing out. I then felt weak and fell, and blacked out….only hearing my captains scream.
  2. Spike H E R O

    May 12, 2007
    Some pub in Montreal
    That's very good. You have a guaranteed pass here. However, I took the liberty of fixing a couple of spelling mistakes, and in the end, the main character kept saying "my fellow soldier", so I changed one of them to comrade because teachers hate when those kinds of refferences get repetitive (trust me, I know :sweatdrop:). Also, the part I highlighted in red needs a little fixing, since it sounds a little off (but of course, your assignement=your choice). With the exception to those tiny details, very nice.
