Odd One Out

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Amaury, Dec 24, 2013.

  1. Amaury Chaser

    Jan 15, 2007
    Ellensburg, WA
    Note to staff: This should be PG-13, which is within the rules, but let me know if there's a problem.

    Especially in school, were you guys ever or did you ever feel like the odd one out?

    By my senior year at the high school, I had plenty of friends. There was a group of male friends that were juniors and heterosexual. However, because they were at "the age," in the commons after school sometimes, they would get dirty and pretend they were having sex with each other and found it funny.

    I never did that simply because it wasn't me, but I felt that if I had done it, I would be looked at weird. Not saying I would have been looked at weird, just that I felt like I would be. Basically, if they did it, it was fine, funny, whatever, but if I did it, nope.

    I talked with @Hansode Shiranui (Nights) on Skype before making this, and to quote some of his responses:

    Anyway, what are you guys' thoughts?

    Edit: To add a bit of detail, the group of friends I mentioned were 16-17, while I was 19 for a little while and later 20.
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2013
  2. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    Aha, um. All the time actually. Not as much as I used to be but... yeah. It was mainly due to a lot of bullying I had but I did have a group of friends during middle school. 2 groups of friends really, one was a group of guys which I was okay with being the oddball out because I was the only girl. They were a bit perverse but I didn't mind it too much, probably because most of the jokes went over my head.

    The other group was... more hurtful really. You didn't really define the "odd one out" so I am just going to go with it. The group liked to go shopping because they were... not rich but not broke either. I didn't have any money because my family was in financial situations. When they were out shopping they would invite each other to group things then, and I wouldn't end up invited. When I asked they did an, "Um... alright, you can come I guess." I hate that. I hate it when people say things like that because they clearly don't want me there, so I just say, "Nah nevermind."

    Now that I'm in high school I'm not friends with either of those groups anymore, and the only reason I feel like the odd one out with my current group of friends is because they are all mormon... well most of them. The other 3 don't really hang out with the group, we are more of a shy gathering than a group of friends.
  3. Technic☆Kitty Hmm

    Apr 2, 2010
    Indiana, USA
    When I'm around my friends I don't really care. They know I'm crazy and all the antics that come with it. Strangers might as well be the Eye of Sauron from a social standpoint. Pretty much I just try to be myself the most I can and whoever doesn't like it can deal with it. Life's too short to be worrying about how other people think of you. I still have one of my friends on the fence about whether or not I have a broom named Tiffany in my closet ... he's really that unsure >.> Anyway, that's just me though I can understand where some people come from. I'm pretty well detached from most social norms because of who I am -past experiences and all that blah- so it's easy for me to be myself without thinking too much about it. I've never really been one to not be me in front of my friends. I can't do that with strangers because of the extreme anti-socialism but hey, what can you do?

    That about sums up all of my crazy ... the best I could anyway.
