Ofcourse the title says it all. Which one do you prefer? Ocarina of Time or Majora´s Mask? I choose Majora´s Mask because of the masks ofcourse so what about you guys? Which one and why?
Ocarina of Time by far. Good story, more violent, more in-depth, more mysterious, better equipment, better places, better music and design, etc.
Yeah, I like the Ocarina of Time a whole lot more. I did like the fact that you were challenged in Majora's Mask, but it didn't suit me all that well. I can't usually work with time limits.
This is a toughie. Majora's Mask was really fun and creative with the whole mask deal. The idea of being able to transform with the goron mask, zora mask and everything was awesome. The bosses and landscapes were really interesting, but Ocarina of Time had the better storyline (in my opinion), longer game-play, cooler bosses, and more. Majora's Mask had the cooler final boss, though. I mean, you're fighting a mask that can transform into much much more. Overall, I think Majora's Mask is the better of the two.
I really like them both but Ocarina of Time is one of my all time favourite games so it wins. I liked being able to turn from a child into an adult & the story was really good, it's one of the games i can never get bored of. Although i liked using the Fierce Deity's Mask in Majora's Mask that was cool.
I liked Ocarina of Time because it was longer and stuff that other people have said (I cant be stuffed typing to much! XD) And Majora's Mask i loved because it was easier...Although some bits were a bit hard but anyway... Im not sure.... Majora's Mask maybe..... Although Ocarina of Time i do like as well.
Hmmm tough choice... Ocarina of Time did have better gameplay, better temples, strong opponents, and a pretty good storyline... it also had better use of the ocarina, and the sountrack of teh game was pretty amazing... But Majora's Mask had the 3 day limit, which I really enjoyed. I also liked all the side story's from the Bomber's Nootbook you could do, and how each one of them seem somehow connected to the events of the third day, and thus, to each other. Also... being able to turn into a Deku, Goron, Zora and The Fierce Deity were pretty awesome.
Ocarina of Time. Classic. I found Majora's Mask too bothersome. I hated the time limit you had before the moon reached earth, and having to keep going back and losing certain items. I completely sucked at the game. I could get all of the masks apart from that bloody Lon Lon Mask! That.. shooting the aliens down with arrows game. I could never do it. I could never get bored of OoC. I've played it ever since it was released, and still do to this day. The Water Temple is my fav, which is strange considering it's one of the most awkward and the one I had most trouble on. >_>
Ocarina Of Time Majora's Mask wasn't bad but it wasn't that good of a game either, I mean sure it has new features like the masks and the 3 days thing. But Ocarina Of Time brought a whole new experience to the N64 with it's stunning graphics (which were very good back then) to it's amazing gameplay and the ability to roam and do whatever you really please, I find that is why Ocarina of Time was an instant classic.