Obama vs Dobson - Religious Differing Opinions

Discussion in 'Debate Corner' started by Repliku, Jun 26, 2008.

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  1. Repliku Chaser

    I just read this on CNN and kind of found it to be disturbing. I really do not see at all why Evangelical Protestant Christian leaders like this who are fanatics that twist and pervert the Bible constantly and also run lobbies and act more like corporation heads than religious leaders inspiring people...are saying anyone else who actually knows the Bible is wrong.

    The point here to me is that Obama is actually right whether people want to overlook the parts in the Bible he mentions or not. Many Christians know after actually -reading- the Bible that some things definitely should not be taken at face value and read like it is the law, especially in this day and age. I can actually dig out the exact quotes that Obama is referring to and there is all sorts of murder, rape, slavery, child murder, and just well...all sorts of rules about what is a 'clean food' and not clean to eat etc. What Obama is saying here is also what the founding fathers of our country were saying too...that the Bible cannot be taken literally and should not be used in government and public policy. They are out of date things done in a time that is much different than our own and written by men of the culture then.

    Should people think of taking the Bible 'literally' as it is meant for the tiime it was written to be taken? if so, we might as well now put Hitler to shame because we'd be back in the Dark Ages but now with super technology to enforce the extinction of disbelievers, attacks on those who won't do the country's will and thus not God's will, kill in the name of God, put women to be subservient to men and not wear 'men's clothing', tell slaves that they should accept the lives they have because if they don't do what they should they won't go to Heaven, etc. I'm curious as to what the thoughts of others are, whether Christian or not, if you've actually sat and read the Bible and know what I am referring to, what are your thoughts on this?
  2. daxma Hei Long: Unrivalled under the Heavens

    May 14, 2007
    Ireland somewhere
    To be totally honest Religion is merely a division that people use to put themselves above others,to try and give their lives meaning, and to help them when they to think they've got someone like God to turn to.Religion has become one of the main causes of suffering.With division comes Prejudgice and with Prejudgice Comes Discrimination.It also is the basis of Extreme Nationalism which was the Cause of so many Wars.Division is what causes suffering so i don't care for Religion.I've got my own ideologies and Pholosphies and i don't want a religion because in the bible says stuff like Women come after men and i don't think that is right at all.All people are equal no matter who says otherwise.
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