I've just seen this on the news and being pro-gay myself (being a Lesbian and all) I glad he's doing this. http://www.itv.com/news/story/2012-05-09/obama-backs-gay-marriage/
Awesome. Huge step forward to see a president make these comments. Now if he were to actually do something about it...
This is some pretty great news. I don't care if you're heterosexual, bisexual, or homosexual, you have the right to get married to your partner. This is a pretty big step.
Oh the Conservatives are gonna feel that one... Be it Adam and Eve, Adam and Steve, or Madam and Eve. It's all good.
My Mans Wow did this guy make mistakes, but I know this will help him learn from his mistakes in the near future for the simple fact that he is for human equality. We can argue numbers, stocks, jobs going overseas, but if you can't treat the people you watch over than you shouldn't even be considered a human of planet earth let alone a president of a country.
Well, hate to be "that guy" but many speculate that him and Biden have recently done this in order to gain favor with liberal, activist, or homosexual voters. That said, I always thought he was, he just didn't officially say it? It would, by the same coin as above, alienate some conservatives. But whatever. Good news is yay.
There is no doubt that he did it to gain voters, especially because people have been recently complaining that he has never officially supported or condoned gay marriage. He didn't want to lose votes because of the murkiness of his stance on the issue. The voters he "loses" by making this statement wouldn't have voted for him anyways.
I thought this immediately, I know he has waning popularity and that he'll need a boost. I mean, if he believed in it more, wouldn't he have said something about it at some other point in his Presidency? But it's a step in a direction of some sorts.
Every political leader has motives behind every action. Most of the time, they won't do it for "the good of society", but only to get more support. It is obvious that he did it to get more votes, but that doesn't mean he's actually a monster and thinks homosexuals need to burn in hell. He could legitimately support gay marriage. That said, this is good. It's always nice to see that people aren't as close-minded as we think they are.
Yes, exactly. I'm not trying to say anything about Obama either, I mean it's politics, everyone has agendas and all. It's the nature of the game. I would like to be hopeful that progress could be made on the gay marriage front if/when Obama is re-elected, but given past history, I don't have high hopes. Still, you never know. And let's face it, Mittens really doesn't stand a chance.
Now that he's mentioned it, it will be likely that he has to mention it again if he is re-elected or before the end of his Presidency. So thhough nothing might get done, it will at least have to be talked about I think.
Which is better than nothing, at the end of the day. The major complaint of people that like Obama (or even those in the middle) is that Obama promised a whole lot and never came through. I can't help but fear that will be repeated.
Fine and dandy to say he supports them, so long as he actually does something to secure equality for homosexual/bisexual/whatever-sexual people, like they're supposed to have already.
I thought this the second I heard it. It went right up to the top of the news. He knows how to sway sheep, let me tell you... I like how everyone is forgetting that Ron Paul is better than both of them for the goals individuals.