Number IX's Last Melody-Chapter 4

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Viroxor, May 5, 2007.

  1. Viroxor Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 31, 2007
    The Restaraunt at the End of the Universe.
    Chapter 4
    Riku entered the main entrance are of the castle in Hollow Bastion. His last visit to Sora had appalled him. Did Sora really think he could replace him with those freaks? There was no way he was serious about it. It had to be a joke. It had to be. He walked up the stairs to the upper balcony. Maleficent would be expecting him. And he didn't want to disappoint her. But as he went, a resonant and familiar voice rang through the room.

    "Riku!" Riku spun around. There was Tidus, his friend, standing opposite him. "Tidus! You're here! Where have you been?" He asked excitedly.
    Tidus didn't believe what he was hearing. He took out his new sword and brandished it menacingly. "You have the audacity to abandon us, hunt down our friends, then act excited to see me? Is this a joke? Because I'm not laughing!"

    Riku looked confused. "What?" But it was too late. Tidus rushed at him. Riku was always the best swordsman and fighter on the island. If he was a traitor, though Tidus had to kill him. For Wakka, and Selphie, and Sora, and Kairi, and all the others.

    But Riku seemed able to evade or parry all Tidus's moves. Tidus maneuvered him toward the wall, but Riku moved out of the way at the last minute, and Tidus's sword plunged into the wall, getting stuck there. Riku slashed at Tidus, but he ducked and dodged behind Riku, then roll-dove back to where his sword was, where he removed it from the wall and struck at Riku.

    The force of the direct blow caused Riku to slide to the edge of the balcony, still on his feet. They both panted. "You probably forgot all about us!" Cried Tidus. "No!" Denied Riku. "Kairi... I found her. I'm trying to help her." Tidus's visage softened. "No, that can't be true. You're lying!" He said. He did a strong front flip and brought his sword down hard on Riku.

    Riku tried to block it, but was sent flying back down below, to the main floor of the room. He got up shakily. Tidus leapt down and attacked him again. After a long exchange of blows, Riku made a proclamation. "Enough!" He yelled, and pointed his sword upward. Lightning came from nowhere and struck Tidus, stunning him and bringing him to his knees.

    Riku walked forward and placed his sword at Tidus's neck. "Listen. I found Kairi, but she lost her heart in the darkness. I have to bring it back. Sora's the traitor. He abandoned us for new friends. He's the one we need to be fighting. But you should find Wakka and Selphie. I'll deal with Sora."

    Tidus was bewildered. "Sora?"
    So Sora should be the object of his anger? Tidus mulled this over as he left the castle. Sora?