now I'm kinda excited (and sad) - ASM2 maybe spoilers abound

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by 61, Jul 10, 2013.

  1. 61 No. B

    Jul 23, 2011
    About every other month or so I look up set shots for The Amazing Spider-Man 2 just to see what's going on, and... yeah...



    If her outfit is any indication then this movie may not be as bad as I was expecting, and it may be tough emotionally for me (totally fell in love with Gwen in the first movie) - I cry in literally every movie I see in theatres. I did like 5 times in Man of Steel and at least once in Monsters U recently. Either this picture gives a ton away, or they're intentionally dicking us around. Either way I'm excited.

    So yeah, CRAZY excited for this movie now, it may end up being terrible like I'm expecting, but fingers crossed that it's a spectacular movie and they let this play out like I'm hoping.