Okay, so..I took a shot at making one of them tags, sigs, whatever the heck you want to call them. This is what I got (I use Photoshop CS3): V1: V2: (Smudged the lines, sharpened some, blurred a bit, added light source above Sora's head [I think]) V2 w/ text: (I was bored) Yes, this is my first one. I used the cloud effect thing and random lines with brushes. (I followed a tutorial) I made it black & white on purpose, because I'm lazy. Also I'm not all good with renders and stuff. They come up with a black background color, or it's white, and I'm not sure how to get JUST the render and a transparent background. On Sora I used Select>Color Range...>Set the fuzziness to about 190 and clicked outside the render (In this case, in the black) and then OK>Select>Inverse. Then I cut the image and pasted it on the sig/tag/thing. So yea, any help or tips would be appreciated and all that cnc 'n stuff.
Pretty good sig for your first one. Some of the random lines that you drew dont flow with render and just seem out of place. You should have probably have added a light source above Soras head, that way it wouldnt seem so dark. Also for the render problem that you having, if you are using Planet Renders then you need to register to get the renders with the transparent background. .
This is actually really good for your first try. :3 I like it, though I usually like things with more color in them. You did a very good job. Keep at it, I'm sure you'll be a pro in no time. But yeah. I like what you did with the lighting, even though it's a bit dark. And I like the one with less random lines better. A nice, smooth texture.
This is quite nice for your first tag. But, in order to help you improve, I'm going to be brutal. ;D Placement, placement, placement. Your signatures will never be good if you don't learn how to properly place your focal point (in this case, Sora). Right now you have a sort of 'floating head' effect going on. I'm sure you can guess what that means based upon the phrase. Check out this tutorial for learning how to avoid this effect. The focal is much too large, too -- it's taking up about half the tag. The rule of thirds is really important too, and I just happen to have a tutorial about it. :] Click here to see it. I have a more detailed one here. (I'd recommend the latter) The text in here really isn't that horrible. I mean, it's not great, but trust me, I've seen worse. I'd play with the placement + blend modes, but otherwise, it's a good start. If you're interested in text tutorials, you can't go wrong with this one or this one. The second and third versions are much, much better than the first. The smudging really adds to it, because the first one looks like you just took out the pencil tool and made some choppy lines. As for your renders problems, as Guardian said you have to register, but after you do you can't just copy + paste. You have to save the image, open it in Photoshop, then put it onto your canvas. /rant
Thank you everyone. <: I'll look at those tutorials sometime, Misty. ^^ Also, thanks for the help with renders you two. I got them to work now. :D