Nothing is True. Everything is Permitted.

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by heartless_angel, Oct 1, 2010.

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  1. heartless_angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2010
    Inside a cupcake :3
    If you got the quote, then you know that this RP has to do with AC 2

    Prologue~ In the late 1400s, there were a group called Assassins. They are group of killers against their enemies, the Templars. The Templars are trying to obtain an object called the "Pieces of Eden" which contained a powerful force. And so the Templars will corrupt anything for their goals.

    1. I will accept some godmodding and power play, but not too much.
    2. Keep romance in a PG-13 zone.
    3. Remember, this is the 1400s. Only a few type of firearms were made.
    4. This RP will include some of AC2 plot. Please don't spoil it for others.
    5. If you are not on for at least 3 days, your OC will be killed or given to another unless notified.
    6. If you read up to this point so far, put "Rest in peace" in your post.
    7. Enjoy! ^^

    Factions~ Templars: The rivals of the Assassins. They have corrupted the army and have full control over Italy. Their groups are split by city. There are 3 ranks in the Templar class.

    Templar Captain: The Sargent of the soldiers. They command the daily guards and soldiers patrolling the city. They are moderatly trained and easy targets for Assassins.

    Templar Crusader: High ranking soldier. They control almost all of the soldiers in a city or region. They are trained to the fullest and are a huge threat to the Assassins. Very difficult to assassinate as they can spot assassins from afar.

    Templar Conspirators: The leaders of the whole templar group. They seek the Pieces of Eden and will do anything to get it. Fighting skills depend on the Conspirator as they are the main targets for assassins. Impossibly hard to assassinate as they are always guarded 24/7

    Assassins: The rivals of Templars. They are few, but strong and stealthy group of trained killers. All are bonded to The Creed and will do anything to take down the Templars:

    Assassin Trainer: A mid-high ranking assassin. Their skills to scale walls at great speeds and a wide variaty of killing techniques make them ideal assassins. They do lack disguise and stealth. They are more for frontline fighting.

    Assassin Expert: A very high ranking assassin. They are twice more experienced than the trainers. Each expert comes with dual hidden blades. They have a great variation in killing and assassination. Many do not make it to the next and final level.

    Assassin Master: Only the best can reach this far. Only a selected handful can make it this far. They exceed what most can do and are the true killers and nightmare to the Templars. Many of them do not assassinate, but can if needed to.

    OC Form~ Dont worry if your OC dies, you can make more.
    Age (Please nothing under 16):

    Name: Mya
    Age (Please nothing under 16): 19
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Gender: Female
    Weapon(s): Dual hidden blades, dagger, smoke bombs, and pistole (later on)
    Faction: Assassin
    Rank: Assassin Expert
    Bio: Her family was killed by orders of a Conspirator after fonding out her father was an assassin. After the execution, she swore to carry on her father's job and became an assassin, seeking revenge to justify her family's death.
    Other: Usually has a very touchy side if her family is mentioned, but mostly quiet and gets the job done.

    Name: Havoc
    Age (Please nothing under 16): 23
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Gender: Male
    Weapon(s): Sword and a crossbow
    Faction: Templar
    Rank: Templar Crusader
    Bio: Raised by a long line of Templar family. He carried on his father's dream and for the Pieces of Eden. His platoon killed Mya's family. He seeks to kill off her bloodline.
    Other: Very calm, but very goal-reaching.
  2. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    The quote first came from the first game so it wasn't obvious that it was set at nearly the same time as the second game.

    Name: Alaric
    Age: 24
    Appearance: (Couldn't find any good pictures.)
    Gender: Male
    Weapons: Dual hidden blades(he never wears them unless he is out "hunting"), throwing knives(same as the hidden blades), a short sword, and a slightly curved sword.
    Faction: Assassin
    Rank: Assassin Master
    Bio: He was born into the brotherhood and was raised an assassin just like his father and the rest of his ancestors. Alaric's father, a previous master, had went out on his to kill one of the most powerful Templar Conspirators around and when he believed to have killed his target he only found out that it was a decoy. His father was captured and publicly executed as an example to everyone. Not soon after, Alaric took up his father's belongings and did what his father could not. He singlehandedly killed the man and even framed the Conpirator's right-hand man for the job. With such an impressive feat displayed, he became a Master.
    Other: Rest in peace.
  3. heartless_angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2010
    Inside a cupcake :3
    The first game? Sowwy I really didn't catch that in the first game. Accepted. We need one Templar Conspirator and then we can start.
  4. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Name: Garth McHugh
    Age: 32
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Gender: Male
    Weapons: Twin swords he usually carries on his hips and another set on his back under his blood red cape.
    Faction: Templars
    Rank: Templar Conspirator
    Bio: Garth swore he'd find the Pieces of Eden no matter the consequences. He's been fighting the Assassin's since he was old enough to hold a sword. He was born and trained to be who he is. When his father died he took up the search for the Pieces of Eden. He's the one responsible for the order to Havoc to kill Mya's family. Garth often has a short fuse but is easily amused by the deaths of Assassin's. His guards are often intimidated by him but he likes to keep Havoc informed of his plans and often deploys him to do jobs he doesn't trust others with.
    Other: Rest in peace.
  5. heartless_angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2010
    Inside a cupcake :3
    Accepted! :D
    You wanna start now or wait for more?
  6. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Here's my good guy. Every evil has a good part.

    Name:Reaper (real name-Zane)
    Gender: Male
    Weapons: A broad sword, dual hidden blades he flicks in and out of hidding when he's impatient and a short sword for closer combat that requires him to move quickly.
    Faction: Assassins
    Rank: Assassin Expert
    Bio: Reaper's family was killed personally by Garth. He doned the persona Reaper to kill Garth himself. Being an expert, he hopes in killing Garth he'll earn the right to be a master and redeem himself and let people call him by his real name (Zane). Only Garth and a select few of assassin's know what his real name is. Reaper's calm exterior belies a feverish monster who's only goal is killing as many Templars as he can before he dies.
    Other: Rest in peace.
  7. heartless_angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2010
    Inside a cupcake :3
    OOC: Alright accepted! I'll start off the RP :D

    Year: 1470
    Location: Florence

    BIC: Citizens of Florence! Let this be the glorious day as 2 more assassins have been executed! The crowd cheered as the soldiers brought up 2 dead assassins. Let this be a message that no one can face the mighty roar of our beloved army in Florence! We will always be protected!

    In the crowd, Mya looked under her hood at the herald and slowly advanced through the crowd towards the soon-to-be-dead target.

    OOC: Not very impressive XD
  8. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    OOC: Yay, we're starting. Wow it's late, who cares it saturday, or Sunday i mean..

    BIC: Reaper watched May's progress from a rooftop. Carefully shifting his weight from foot to foot. He was still looking for Garth to make a showing at this.

    Garth sat in his chair safely at home. He liked seeing dead assassins but today he had plans to make, places to look for the Pieces of Eden.
  9. heartless_angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2010
    Inside a cupcake :3
    OOC: lol

    BIC: Havoc sighed as he paced around his room. So far, he had no lock finding the pieces. Even worse, failing to find Mya as well.

    As the herald continued his talk, Mya continued her way up to him. As she advanced to the front of the crowd, the herald gasped when he saw Mya. It's you! Gua-!Before he could say anything else, she jumped at him and shoved her hidden blade in the side of his head. The crowd started to back off as soldiers entered the area. Assassin! Kill her! Before they advanced to her, she kicked one in the chest, knocking the others down and ran off to the side. She's escaping! Don't lose her! Other guards started to chase her down.
  10. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Reaper jumped from the rooftops, landing lithly into a bale of straw. Rolling out of it he followed Mya and the guards' progress through the mass of screaming people. Reaper took a shortcut around a building and stopped a block away from where Mya was running toward.
  11. heartless_angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2010
    Inside a cupcake :3
    Mya continued running through the streets, pusong people behind her to slow the guards down. She then took a wrong turn and hit an alley with a dead end. She cursed under her breath and turned around to face the guards. Surrender now assassin, and your life will be much painless. Mya gritted her teeth and slipped out a smoke bomb from her pouch, not using it yet until they got closer.
  12. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Reaper cursed under his breath as he watched her take a wrong turn. He slid from his hiding spot and followed them down the alley. His dual hidden blades sliding out as he walked up behind them from the cover of the shadows. He let out a long breath, and quickly stabbed the backs of their necks, angling the blade upwards so it would exit through their windpipes and jugular veins. They gurgled and he smiled, "Nice to see you too boys."
  13. heartless_angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2010
    Inside a cupcake :3
    The other two guards turned around and feigned. You're gonna pay-! They didn't complete their sentnce as Mya stabbed both of them in the head. She then pulled off her hood. Good timing of you to drop by.
  14. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Reaper removed his hood and let the wind ruffle his white hair, a half smile on his face, "Drop by? Is that what you're calling it now? Looked to me like saving your ass. But that's just me." He lost his smile and his gray eyes turned cold, "Garth didn't attend today. It's not like him to miss something like this."

    Garth got word almost immediately that an assassin had been spotted and killed the herald. He stood, outraged, "What! Did she get away?! HAVOC!" He roared and the messenger hoped to God Garth knew of the saying don't kill the messenger.
  15. heartless_angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2010
    Inside a cupcake :3
    Mya shrugged. Yea strange. Anyways, thanks for the help. She looked at the dead bodies. We better do something about these bodies before more guards drop by.

    Havoc started running towards Garth's place. Word just got out that a herald was killed. He knew it could only be one person. He ran up to his house and knocked on Garth's door.
  16. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    OOC: I see you two did a bit of RPing while I was asleep. I'm not sure how to include myself in the action so I'll just do something else. XD


    After all this time, these pages have barely made anymore sense than when I began. Alaric thought to himself, trailing his finger across the page of an ancient book that he knew had detailed accounts of the appearances of the Pieces of Eden over the years of the past. Deciphering the foreign language and breaking the obscure codes within the text was not something he had been used to. He was an assassin, not only that but he was one of the best there was, even capable of surpassing his own father who was a master himself. Even after nearly four years of being a master he was still adjusting to the change in pace, due to his position in the brotherhood he could no longer go out to hunt down the common Templar. There were others he could send to do that for him. Alaric leaned back in his seat and closed the book, turning his head to gaze out the window behind him. He resided in a large building that seemed to be the reminiscant of a castle, it was a place where the others in the brotherhood and their allies could rest in peace and even hide from the Templars. Alaric stood up slowly and walked over towards the edge of his room where a large glass cabinet stood. Within it was his armor, weapons, and the traditional clothing an assassin of his rank would wear when about in the public. "At least the years have been kind to my belongings."
  17. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Reaper lifted two of the bodies up and set them on his shoulders, thankful that the metal shoulderpads he had would stop the blood from dripping elswhere and lead more guards to them. "Do what you want with those two, I have something special in mind for these fellas." He smiled and scaled the wall, disappearing from view.

    Garth threw open the door and saw Havoc standing there, "Who is this female assassin? No, find her, find her now! Bring her back and we'll have her exicuted. That should appease the people." Garth wasn't old, he didn't mind going out after the assassin girl himself, but he knew there was another trick tied to this killing. It had to be connected to Zane in someway.
  18. heartless_angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2010
    Inside a cupcake :3
    Mya frowned as Reaper left her with the 2 bodies. With difficulty, she carried the bodies and threw them into a haystack. She looked at herself, which was covered in blood and sighed. Better get cleaned up. She pulled a cloak over herself and headed to the nearest tailor, hopin theycan dye her clothes white again.

    Havoc bowed to Garth. As you wish. He left the house and whistled to 10 other soldiers to follow him. It's time we settled things...Mya.
  19. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Reaper carried the bodys with slight difficulty. They were heavy men for guards. "And here I thought you guys trained everyday." he said, huffing. Reaper finally reached the place he wanted. The open window of Garth's personal rooms. He didn't know why he left it open, but it was. He dropped in lithly and set the bodies against the window. "Now, time for a makeover." He brought out a dagger and cut into the guards' faces. Writing an R and a Z on each of their cheeks. His own personal touch. Standing back and admiring his work wasn't a luxury today. He needed to get back.

    Garth paced his room after Havoc left. After counting to a hundred, he went to his rooms to collect his weapons. Garth found the bodies with the R and Z cut into them and felt his heart beat a little faster, "Zane...I knew it was you." Though no one was left in his room, he spoke as if he were still there. Garth called his guards to remove the bodies and strapped his swords to his sides and back.

    Zane lurked outside, listening to Garth's words. He thought to himself, "Who else would pay you such an intimate visit." he dropped from the roof and walked calmly along the streets, mingling with the people, loosing himself.
  20. heartless_angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2010
    Inside a cupcake :3
    Mya walked out of the tailor shop. Her clothes were tinted back to white after the mess she made. Guess I should try to keep a low profile since they'll be looking for me. She walked aroundtown, trying to stay out of trouble.

    Havoc and his men entered the town square. Find the assassin. Don't tome back unless you have her, alive or dead. The soldiers nodded and ran out towards different parts of the city.
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