I need to post this somewhere for a friend to reveiw. I stopped writen this story out a long time ago, but I sorta been wantens to get started again. So here it is. I'd ask for comments, but it really isn't all that much. I'll start posten the actual thing when I finish the first few ch.'s :P ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sheesh, where to start. Its been half a century ever since Sora’s great struggle against those who had wished to use kingdom hearts for their own personal gain. So much has happened since then that it is almost impossible to explain. Ever since the events that took place, kingdom hearts has not been touched by anyone. Though some have tried, they have not gotten far. The Hollow Bastion committee, ever since those events, had spread, turning into a much grander organization, now meant more towards being able to protect kingdom hearts then simply Hallow Bastion, now that they had the time. Near 100’s of members have joined, only the finest being aloud to become full members. Of course, that also means that they must get rid of the bad ones which attempt to join into it, and that is where our story starts off. With a young man, who was one of those ‘bad eggs’, or so they would refer to him as. His name is Matt. Out of all those who contended, he was a protogy amongst those who were compared to him, getting the best ranks amongst others, having unique fighting skills, and even his weapon was unique in all manners, almost perfect. He only had one problem, and that was his lack of feelings. Though indeed, he had been human, he never had shown emotion, not showing signs of caring, never able to work well with others, taking charge on his own. And then, IT happened, and when it did, it was the last straw. That day not being too far off, merely months ago. It started oh so long ago….. “So, you really think that you got what it takes, huh?†Rob asked, looking at Matt while holding his strangely formed weapon. At the back of it was what appeared to be a giant weight, whilst infront if it was a doubled sided axe. “Must you always say the same exsact thing. It tends to get annoying†he said, as he unsheathed his sword. It was a beautiful sword,which had a mixture of a light blue at the edge of the blade, which slowly eased into a pure white color. “Don’t act like your all that punk†Rob yelled, as he ran forward, and began spinning his weapon, as he jumped high into the air, and slammed down the weight side of his axe, smashing it into Matt’s sword, but having no luck, pushing down as hard as he could, whilst Matt easily restrained against the attack with only one hand holding his sword. “Truelly pathetic†he muttered, as he pushed his sword against the axe, and with a quick slash, pushed it out of Robs hands, causing it to fly into the air, and also causing Rob to fall back. “Son of a….†he started to say, but stopped, as Matt placed the very tip of his sword on robs neck. “I told you. This is not a game. If you ever thought you were any match for me, then that opinion will be changed right now†he said, as he raised his sword. “Goodbye†he said, as he slashed down……. And so now, because of that final straw, he is where he is now. Alone, left alone to do as he wishes as a type of form of mercy, but sent adrift on an enginless gummi ship, his fate being left to the worlds themselves. And so, his journey begins……. Matt slowly began to open my eyes. People were staring within the cockpit of his gummi ship. He did not care much for the people around him though, as he kicked the glass of the gummi ship, with such force that it almost flew off of the gummi ship, due to its loose attatchment to it in the first place. The men fellback,as the sound of falling glass could be heard. Matt slowly got up, and in his hand was his sword, covered in a leather covering. The men looked at him in fear, not knowing what to expect as he slowly began walking out onto the hood of the gummi ship. He looked out everywhere, looking at the dull coloring of everything. It was day time. Most of the houses seemed quite old fashioned compared to those of Hollow Bastions houses. He looked to his right, noticing the vast sea, expanding far out into the horizon. He hopped off of the hood, as he looked at the bottle that had been dropped on the ground. “So then, it appears that there is still a world whom which shall appeal to my well being†he muttered, as he began approaching one of the men, who started to cowar as he was approached. “You, common man, tell me, where is this†he asked, having no emotion on his face. “P..port Royal†he said to him, still trying to back up. “Oh really?†he asked. “Interesting. I remember this being mentioned in the journals†he muttered, as he started to walk past the man, who had practicly wet himself, as he got up and began running, screaming through the town of a strange visitor of the sky. Though to Matt it was no form of concern what-so-ever, the people felt differently, seeing the gummi ship for the first time, not even knowing that such technology had exsisted. Matt needed to let out a sigh, as he looked at the gloom and doom setting that he was now in, as he approached the docks. “Port Royal. Listed as one of the worlds on the second journey. Level of magic, low. Threat level, low. Level of intelligence, low. Dusk count, barely a threat†he said, mumbling mostly to himself and tinking aloud, as he walked. “The question is, what exactly should I be doing now†he muttered.