North American Union? The VChip?

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Singstar, Dec 29, 2007.

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  1. Singstar Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 21, 2007
    In my schools closet....
    Have you heard of this?
    My mom told me about it and belive me its very scary. President bush sighned a bill without the knowlege of the Congress or The Administration. The bill said that were taking out all borders of Canada, The U.S and and Mexico to make a new Union called the North American Union. Prior to this, they are making new currency called the Amero. The American Constitution will be thrown out if this happens. If you never heard of this, its because the people behind it wants it confidential.. The Foriegn Relations wants it confidential. This happening to all continents, not countries. When its all set and done, all of them will merge together to make one world government. This has been worked on for 60 years. There will be 1 bank, 1 army, and 1 center of power.
    From this, there starting to make Vchips or MicroChips so they can implant them in people. These are the same chips that are found in your ordinary passport. This is step one in world domination. Of May of 2008, it is said that all people must carry around an ID that has all your infomation on it. This is going to be equiped with the Vchip or the traking mod. Later, there goinmg to start implanting the chips in humans. There stating with newborn babies. If you act up or protest against The Noth American Union, their just turn off your chip and you dont exsist anymore in the world government. All your information is on that chip.
    Any thoughts?
    Heres the Video that fully explains it:
    North American Union
  2. Laurence_Fox Chaser

    Oct 14, 2006
    non binary
    It's never going to happen with the way other countries feel about the US right now. Sure Canada and Mexico might merge but I can't see the other continents being a part of this right now.

    Take Russia for instance. They are none to pleased with the US's actions in the world and, contrary to what the media portrays, are building their society back up. While it isn't like the USSR was, it is rebuilding.

    It's a nice plot for a scifi flick but as of right now. Not very likely.
  3. Singstar Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 21, 2007
    In my schools closet....
    Its not about the Government of the countries. Its about The Foriegn of Relations. The Government has nothing to do with it.
    And look at your paasport it does have a chip in it.
  4. Repliku Chaser

    This was seen in Zeitgeist and well...I don't see the personal implanted chip happening. Many people would disagree with that and I'd pretty well be one of them. As for the Amero and all that, it is being discussed but -nothing- is final. The Euro seems to do quite well and that is all the Amero is, is currency similar to how the Euro functions.

    As for cards with more information and stuff on them, this is done for reasons that it would have medical information as well as driver's info, and such to try to help people on a convenient card instead of carrying 10 cards on us for the same function. If it could be made with the thought of identity protection that would prevent the thefts easier, I might be for it, depending on what would be included in it. It could certainly help make people's lives easier. As for shutting it off and the person doesn't 'exist' ...not sure how that would happen.
  5. Jadentheman Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 31, 2007
    None of your business
    Repliku you're not getting th epoint. As I'm a 14 year old 9th grader whose opinon never are paid attention to anyone becuase of my gerneration's stupidifid education I must say,

    That I say more than half the movie of Zeitgeist.The point is that the U.S. system is so screwed up the movie I just saw explained it but, from the narrators opinon but, he was getting the point out.I was pretty scared when I saw that movie. I don't want to be controlled or watched like a hawk. It's to bad that in today's world the media exaggerates everything. I finally now see.

    I wouled have more but, I forgot.

    Oh and BTW I always hated Bush and his family.In my book they have F- lol.

    And to think my friend Marco is tied up in the brainwashing.Playing videogames all day is bad for you.He should get out more and he says I should.So much for being a friend.

    Oh and 9/11 was an inside job to instill fear in people!
  6. Cin Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp

    Sep 26, 2006
    To all you conspiracy theorists out there...

    If the government wanted this confidential...would we really know about it? I mean really, if you truly believe the government is THIS powerful, to eventually make 1 world government, to make v-chips, to plan 9/11 or whatever other ideas might be brought up here, then it's perfectly logicial that they'd also be powerful enough to control a leak of information and stop **** like this from ever getting out in the first place! If the government was capable of this, they'd also be capable of silencing you...=/

    Call it denial, but I seriously doubt that it's happening, and if it is, it was bound to happen eventually. The only way to peace of earth is 1 governmental powe, and that was and forever will be the goal. Tell me...for what possible reason would all the continents of the earth want to form togethor to form 1 nation? To control the people? Seems a bit much for something so easy...>.>
  7. Repliku Chaser

    I do know that at any age truly, the stuff of conspiracies that float around can seem very intimidating. It's great to speak out about them and get people's opinions and such. I definitely do not ever want to think we have to have our young etc with chips put into them so they can be tracked and I would think many others also would not allow such a thing to happen. However, again, is there really -proof- out there that says such a thing will happen even if it 'could'? A lot of things could happen but it doesn't mean they will if people stand together and speak about such things and know their stances early on.

    I suppose I am not really afraid of a more unified world with a 'functioning' sort of UN deal instead of what we have now. I can't say I am overly patriotic or anything and always have considered myself more a person of the 'world' than of a nation or state. So I can't say I 'fear' the Amero anymore than Europeans feared the Euro. I do think that the Federal Reserve and all should be abolished and it has put our country into terrible debt but I do not fear a legal tender or better relations and gates opened between Canada, Mexico and the U.S. In fact, I think it is a good idea in some ways because it would aid in stopping some of the corruption of Mexico that horribly affects everyone any way with all of the immigration illegal issues. It would make it so Mexican people could also be paid more what they are worth and give corporations something to think about when they move to Mexico to hire cheap labor and steal our jobs etc. We've always, even if Americans and Canadians tease each other, had good relations with Canada and I don't see anything wrong with that either. It's not like we are saying we will no longer be 'American' to do this. Canadians will still be Canadians etc. Having one money system though that all 3 countries could use could make travel more productive and also aid businesses and people wouldn't have to pay a mint to get some exchange money because places do charge to take in tender and exchange it to the country's. We aren't going to stop being 'nations' though just as the Euro didn't stop the nations over there from being their own. It just is a way to financially ease up on things and I think it would benefit us.

    The chip deal is the situation I worry most about but I'm not about to overly worry because I know for a fact that something like that has to be voted on and the more people who know about it and disagree, the senators and our representatives will HAVE to refuse it. That is what the power of lobbying and being involved in politics at all enables you to do. So to alleviate the fear, the best thing to do is watch, pay attention to votes and such and if you disagree, find others also who do not like it and go do something such as petition. Our government is -strong- in its way but really like Cin said, if this was likely to happen and the government did not want us to know and they are so evil, we would not have this conspiracy at all. I do think we need to do more about our banking system all around to save people from being in debt, our government being in debt etc. That seems more a feasible conspiracy that we really should be addressing instead of fearing the Amero.
  8. captainflam Moogle Assistant

    Dec 31, 2007
    Have you ever watched the Interview of Aaron Russo (the producer of Trading Places starring Eddy Murphy) ?

    Several years ago, after his popular video Mad As Hell was released and he began his campaign to become Governor of Nevada, Russo was noticed by Rockefeller and introduced to him by a female attorney. Seeing Russo's passion and ability to affect change, Rockefeller set about on a subtle mission to recruit Russo into the elite's CFR (Council of Foreign Relation) organization.

    Aaron Russo, the famous Film Maker of Trading Places starring Eddy Murphy, also made a film called "America: Freedom To Fascism". The motive behind this latter is surely linked to Nick (Nicholas) Rockefeller revelation about the ultimate aim of the Elites New World Order.

    As Russo refused to join them, Rockefeller coldly questioned why Russo cared about the "serfs"

    Russo rejected the invitation, saying he had no interest in "enslaving the people" to which Rockefeller coldly questioned why he cared about the "serfs."

    "I used to say to him what's the point of all this," states Russo, "you have all the money in the world you need, you have all the power you need, what's the point, what's the end goal?" to which Rockefeller replied (paraphrasing), "The end goal is to get everybody chipped, to control the whole society, to have the bankers and the elite people control the world."

    Rockefeller even assured Russo that if he joined the elite his chip would be specially marked so as to avoid undue inspection by the authorities.

    Other themes are 9/11, agenda behind feminism the Rockefeller Foundation has helped promoted with CIA and depopulation of the world by 50%.
  9. Repliku Chaser

    I do hear what you are saying, but we have to -agree- to such a thing. I believe attempting such a thing could cause a serious revolt. Many people would not just sit through such a scheme as implanting V chips in us. I know I would refuse and leave this country if that became the case if nothing else worked that I tried. I would be entirely disheartened at how crappy things had gotten.

    I do believe we need to keep an eye on things and such and make people aware that such things -can- happen but I am also under the impression that just because so many things have a possibility of happening doesn't mean they -will- happen. That's all I mean, truly.
  10. khlover Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 27, 2007
    In Radiant Garden
    I'd have to say, I never really heard about this until now, but I realize that it has vastly spread amongst the media. I think that if they were passionate about keeping it classified then how is it spread now? If the government is so powerful then why can't it keep a secret I wonder? I think the idea of chip implanting will not work out, because they're ignoring the fact that human beings themselves are not computers, but they are alive. Sticking a chip in a person is just going to store things and watch your every move. It's not going to monitor what you say or hear. That's just a few of the flaws that it includes. For heaven's sake, sci fi doesn't quite fit with reality. And this sounds like a load of sci fi to me. Even if they -are- thinking about it. Chances are it won't happen. Sure we're buddies with Mexico and Canada. But we have so many systems now that changing everything would cause one messed-up ball of yarn. The whole 'Amero' thing doesn't scare me as much. It's just I don't really believe that this could ever work out.
  11. Nate_River Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jun 28, 2007
    IF this works does it effect the WHOLE world?
  12. Singstar Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 21, 2007
    In my schools closet....
    I dont reallykno w for sure, but all I know is that this can happen if you think about it. Scfi or not, it can happen. Our government is so f***ed up right now that sonething like this can happen. And honestly, I think there are a lot of things that the government might not be telling the media or the people of the United States.
  13. Hakurei Reimu Take my hand. And then I'll fly with you right up

    Apr 19, 2007
    I really don think it'll happen. There are far too many concerns that'll come by if it were to happen. Firstly, welfare is definately a big factor. The GDP and other finances in almost all N. American countries are VERY far. So if uniting into one union was to happen, then money would definately be a big problem, seeing how the conditions in certain places are.

    Secondly, there would be no more "illegal immigrants" seeing how everything is 1. But at the same time people could take advantage of that and move to provinces of greater population, living space, etc. Therefore, it's just saving them a lot less work seeing how they can travel as free as 1 guy traveling from state to state.

    Thirdly, unlike the EU, the nations in N. America are FAR too big and thus will cause lots of regional conflicts that could b quite trivial but a pain in the @$$ to solve.

    And fourth, WTF is the use of a stupid chip. If they put it inside some1, it mite somehow cause surprising side-effects and wat not. Also, eventually ppl will find some way to block connection or something like that. Other than that, the gov. (or governments) are gona lose billion of dollars creating chips while addressing a crap load of other problems at the same time. And I seeing how the population is still growing, there's gona b some kind of shortage...which'll lead to another prob. Before u no it, the government is f***ed. (if it isn't already :sideways:)
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