they canceled the Thundercats reboot! I loved the first season and couldnt wait for the second! and Young Justice is being canceled as well! OF COURSE they would make two really great shows and then cancel them. Of course I knew as soon as CN moved thundercats from 8pm on friday to 8am Sunday that the show wouldnt last. Why would you do that to your new show? Its their fault that nobody saw it, and now they're cancelling it. It's like they killed the show on purpose. And I had only seen a couple eps of Young Justice, but I intended to catch up.
wait, why they cancel them? This isn't fair, they were both getting really good. Remind me to go to the writers and convince them to continue with the show.....or whoever is in charge of it right now
When a show in canceled it's usually due to low ratings or if it has little viewers. I would imagine that the latter is the case here, because they are both fantastic shows, but they air them at probably the worst possible time out of the week to air new episodes: Sunday morning. Also, Thundercats was recently picked up by Toonami, so that killed its chances for grabbing the views of the target demographic, though I suspect they picked it up once they got wind that it was canceled, the general public just didn't know it yet. However execs have said that the reason the shows were canceled was because they wanted the opportunity to go in a different creative direction, which in most cases means a less creative direction. Green Lantern and Young Justice are to be replaced by Beware the Batman, and Teen Titans Go. Both are shows that I have very low expectations for.
Yeah, when I first read the title of the show I thought "aw cool, continuation or sequal to Teen Titans or something." As soon as I saw the animation style I immediately knew that wasn't the case.
Wait, they're making another batman? Good Lord, can't these people just leave batman alone for a while and give room for other shows? And I don't think they'll make a Batman as good as The Batman, but that's just my opinion. And Teen Titans Go? I liked the normal Teen Titans, but just looking at the title I have a sneaking suspicion on what it looks like
I thought it was canceled a long time ago. It's still being shown on Toonami, though, so there might be hope for a continuation if it raises enough interest. There's talk of a new season of Symbionic Titan too.
It was put on an indefinite hiatus, but we just found at last month that it had officially been canceled. Batman has basically had a cartoon on tv, or been in a cartoon as a main character, since 1992, so them making another one is no surprise. It's actually expected, and I would assume that they will make another once this one has finished. They did make a Batman show as good as The Batman. It's called Batman The Animated series and it's actually better than The Batman.
why :C Young Justice was very good, and I really got into it during the first season. I was a bit put off at first by how much the team grew during the second, but it was still just as good (if not better). And I really liked Thundercats too. Tbh I still can't believe that these shows are being canceled and yet the live action stuff (on cartoon network), is still running, but I guess that's what's popular with a majority of kids these days. I guess I'm happy as long as Adventure Time stays, but this still sucks. Also, I'm hoping that Teen Titans Go isn't too disappointing. The original was great and Slade was amazing, but I don't think I'd be able to take him seriously if he's gonna be animated like that. :c
I think TTG is most likely going to play heavily on the comedy and just use the familiar characters and setting as a backdrop. I think the chances of him even being a worthwhile character in the show are slim to none.
they're not there to make you happy, they're there to make money, and will do anything to assure that they continue making money.
If they cancel the only shows i watch, i don't watch, and they don't make money off of me. All the same 1 person really doesn't matter in the long run...