What are your opinions on road rage that isn't violent or just impatience in general? By which I mean minor road rage like cars honking and such. This can be a discussion thread on violent road rage, too. I just titled the thread this. Anyway, here's an interesting video of road rage in California a SEGA friend linked me to on Skype:
I live in a tourist area, and the stories I can tell you about traffic and people being pissed off... I have basically seen it all, people revving engines, people passing you on wrong side, people honking, people shouting at you, people cutting you off... I haven't even mentioned what a hazard it is like for me as a pedestrian. It's gotten so bad I don't feel safe crossing the highway during the summer WITH a crosswalk which by law states you have to stop for a pedestrian and a lot of drivers get pissed at you for doing so. I had recently a woman threaten to get a policeman over because I was holding a parking spot for my mom in a pretty empty lot. We wanted to see the fireworks and it would get mobbed later on and we wanted to be able to get out safely. My mom in her car came up right behind the car and the woman refused to go and I finally left because I thought maybe she had a gun, which I have heard happening. Road rage is real, and its a thousand times worse when it comes to tourists. Everyone's either, A: In a hurry to get somewhere faster than everyone else. B: On vacation and want everything to go their way perfectly 100% of the time and **** everyone else. C: Drunk as hell and don't know what they're doing. D: Are filled with anger/testosterone enough to try and destroy everyone on the road because they believe they have a right to and are better than anyone else. E: They're texting/have a screaming kid in the back/distracted by something else. I haven't even mentioned motorcycles and bicycles. Lets face it: Give anyone anything other than their feet, hell, sometimes even their feet, at some point there's going to be an accident and it most likely will happen from one of the above. My mom barely drives on holidays anymore because the last time she did, her car was totaled by a teenager who broke her wrist.
It sees like a small silly action, but road rage is a lot more dangerous than one thinks. In summary, road rage is something a person should keep in check. Even if the fault is another person, do NOT let your emotions take over. Getting into road rage is dangerous and highly increases the numbers of getting into an accident or being caught by the police. I've had many friends getting into close accidents on people nearby them who couldn't keep their temper in check.
I have never been the victim of road rage or been through it (I don't drive) but I have seen it between others. Like my mum giving people the finger out her window, not sure what to think of that really, it's better than active roadrage (like actively cutting someone up etc.). I suppose passive roadrage is a lot safer as it can let out anger while not endangering anyone, honking is just a way of showing people that you are angry and it makes you feel better. When I went to India, the roads were actually insane it was scary. There was little order and it was mostly filled with motorbikes, road bikes and rickshaws (3 wheeled motor car- like a taxi) and they were all honking at each other CONSTANTLY! I thought they all had major road rage when I got there but it turns out that is just what the roads are like. I was surprised I didn't see more accidents but it could be because most of the people would travel slowly because so many of the roads were so packed. However, the honking was mainly a way of just alerting other drivers of that vehicles presence as rear view mirrors were scarce and there may be other reasons but that was the only one I could really find. Anyway, that isn't realyl road rage just the symptoms of it. There is no doubt that aggressive road rage can be dangerous and lead to horrific circumstances but passive road rage is another matter and it all depends on what is done and the context.
Things like swearing or shouting, something that isn't active. Something active would be cutting someone up or somehow obstructing their driving or yelling at their face as opposed to just yelling.