Nomura to Talk Future of KH in Famitsu [INTERVIEW UP]

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Ty, Jul 13, 2011.

  1. Ty Traverse Town Homebody

    Jul 30, 2010
    (Yes, this time it's real.)

    Hey, guys and gals!

    Today marks the beginning of the for the recent news drought for Kingdom Hearts... or so we hope. Andriasang and FF-Reunion are both reporting that in the next issue of Famitsu, Kingdom Hearts creator Tetsuya Nomura will talk about the future of both Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts! This includes talks about HD remakes, Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance, and more importantly, Kingdom Hearts III and beyond!



    Source: Andriasang
    Original Source: FF-Reunion

    Also, as I was on my way to post this, P sent me a private message with this news, so I thought it'd be fair to give him a little bit of credit as well.
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Ty, Jul 13, 2011.

    1. Saxima
      Oh, man, this is fantastic! I'm so looking forward to this! And then the future of the series past Kingom Hearts III - I was almost not expecting it! I'm really excited! :Awesome:
    2. Kubo
      Good job, Ty.
      Could you edit with a quote of what the article? Thanks.

      ok ok sorry.
    3. Patman
      Here' s today Andriasang info tidbits rearding Kingdom Hearts :
      Could he get more vague ? The man has developed quite a habit of speaking in riddles about things no one really cares about while dropping some major spoiler bombs at the same time.
      "Honey could you give me XXX please ? I' ll give you a hint, XXX is neither the salt, the pepper nor the wine bottle. By the way, I' m cheating on you."

      Correct me if I' m wrong but hasn' t he said in the past that Sora wouldn' t be the hero of the next KH chapter ? I guess he changed his mind. However it' s strange from Nomura to spoil us about the fact that Sora won' t die in KH3 (I wasn' t really holding my breath about it but still, it was a possibility).

      Given Nomura' s history we' ll probably end-up with a Wii U tittle anyway ...
    4. P
      Thankies Ty~

      Personally I'm glad to see any progress what-so-ever. It's been a bit of a black hole in regards to news. So far though, KHIII is looking a tad bleak. So far we've confirmed that it'll end the Xehanort Saga, and that Sora will still be the protagonist afterwards. (Although whether Sora's even the protagonist -now- is highly debatable.)

      I look forward to reading the interview when it gets translated, if it's not already.
    5. Peace and War
      Peace and War
      So in Dream Drop Distancewhat is confirmed is surprises, the storyline will be enigmatic and puzzling as well as include a sceret movie? Isn't that the basis of every KH game anyway? It's basically confirming what fans already knew! -__-
      And like everything else KH related he says there will be a KH3 game. Saying that for around the last few years is not news to me.
      I think i'm just annoyed how long this is all taking for a game i've been waiting years for, and countless more i'm sure, with no solid details or confirmation they're working on it.

      I thikn the best piece of news, or rumour, or whatever, is the possibility of HD remakes. I would love a nice updated clean version of KH 1 and 2, hell even a port of BBS maybe with it?

      But thanks for the update guys, any news is nice I guess.
    6. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      XXX and XXX in Traverse Town...Lea and Isa in Traverse Town?

      Also, @Patman, he actually reiterated what he said before. That KHIII will be the end of the Xehanort saga, but the Sora will always be the main character.
    7. Te Deum
      Te Deum

      If XXX is what I think it is....

      Then KH3 is gonna be rated M.
    8. Shikou
      I hope there will be some talk about KH BBS Vol.2
      I always had a gut feeling about there will be a game that takes place between BBS and KH1.
      In KH1 they talk about the heartless coming 9 years before KH1 and I want to see how that works out since BBS did not say anything about it and maybe BBS Vol.2 will.
    9. kingdom_hearts_loverXX
      Well, I'm glad the interview news has surfaced now, Hopefully we'll see more and more news toward the 3DS game now that it's still in it's early stages of being finished. ...And KH3 being mentioned??; now that's a shock.
    10. Slycrg
      Actually BBS Final Mix does explain the heartless entering the world in it's secret episode although maybe not in much detail. If you've seen the vids of it then you may know what I'm referring to. However a game that fills that gap would be nice but I'd rather have KH 3 instead of more filler nonsense.
    11. Saxima
      But I don't get it, what's this Birth By Sleep Volume 2 supposed to be about?
    12. Mr. Van Whippy ♥
      Mr. Van Whippy ♥
      I don't think Nomura will reveal anything of great importance about KH3. Especially in terms of plot. He might throw a random year at which KH3 could possibly be released but since he has yet to put more effort to FF i doubt if we should even pay attention at something like this. God..., i was a teenager when KH2 was released... Hey what is more five years...? XDD
    13. Shinichi Izumi
      Shinichi Izumi
      you guys this is awesome finaly some news on 3D and irts good to know nomura made good progress ty u rock
    14. Gelatinous Ghost
      Gelatinous Ghost
      It's good to see some decent news. It's been dry as of late. KH III and beyond is all good and well, but they may as well finish up DDD. I am waiting for that to be released. When it is, I will invest in a 3DS. ​
    15. Patman
      He hasn' t even thrown a year at which VsXIII could be released (and we all know he won' t start working on KH3 before Vs is released).
      A year ago he said that with FF XIII out of the way he' d be able to focus on Vs ... but then this week he said that the production of Vs hasn' t even begun ... Seriously wtf man ? The big news is ... there' s no news at all ? What the hell have you worked on for a whole year, pre-production ? You' ve had FOUR FRIGGING YEARS of pre-production already, was a fifth really that necessary ?
      Oh, and he also said that SE forbids him to talk about Vs while FF XIII-2 hasn' t been released (they must think talking about several games at the same time would prevent us to buy the next in line, dummies), so you can bet he won' t be allowed to talk much about KH3 until Vs is released either. Great.
    16. DChiuch
      You guys should really credit your sources, just saying... (krexia from KHInsider in this case)
    17. Mr. Van Whippy ♥
      Mr. Van Whippy ♥
      I'm really intrigued right now. What does he mean that there are no cut scenes in FFVS?

      He means what exactly by that? I hope he's not being racist about Quasimodo XD
    18. Patman
      I still haven' t watched the Disney version but ... in the original Quasimodo is a rapist ******.
    19. Plums
      I think he means Sora may be fighting along with Maleficent, Pete or some other bad guy. xD

      And I'm guessing this game ma be short on cutscenes?
      I mean, yeah there's another way of moving the plot along, but the cutscenes sort of gave the characters more depth, imo.

      And it's good to hear they're nearly finished with this.
      now if only versus would get done too

      Thanks Ty. <: