Nocturne Persona

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Jiku Neon, Jun 26, 2008.

  1. Jiku Neon Kingdom Keeper

    Jul 24, 2007
    Moe, Victoria
    This is another one of my fantasy stories I've been working on recently. It's of indefinite length and is simply based on a bunch of pictures, so don't expect too much.

    Road 1: The Island

    I live in a land of roads. No matter where you want to go there’s a road that will take you there. When I was you I would always run forwards, looking for the road that led to that huge sky. I don’t remember when I saw it but it was a wall it was the end of the line, it was my realization that the roads didn’t go everywhere that no matter how far or hard I ran I’d always end up looking out to the sky over head no matter where I had to stop it was always hanging over the massive sea. From then on I stopped running towards the sky, I just didn’t run anymore. It was a long time before there was anything to do on what I realized was just a small island. After all the island only got smaller the older I got. Then one day two more kids appeared. They were about my age and they didn’t know anyone, not even each other. They were awkward and I hadn’t seen anything new for what felt like years. I think that’s probably where this all began, where my new life really got started.

    That day there were three kids on the beach, just beside the cliffy shores of the island. Two of them had only recently arrived in this alien land. The other was a native familiar with every inch of the shores to the shallows. They just stood their ground for a few moments, either unclear as to what to say or too awkward to get anything out.
    Finally one spoke up, “Hey.” It was the most senior member of the group, a slender youth with black hair reaching past his chin in long spiked locks. “So, I’m Michael.”
    “Nice to meet you. Call me Roy.” The second boy was a brown hair child native to the island with wild light brown hair and a light disposition.
    “That’s a weird name.” Michael replied.
    Before the second had a chance to retaliate the quiet girl spoke. “Adin.” She had short reddish brown hair and a kind face. She spoke softly and said little.
    “Okay, now that we all know each other.” Roy said swinging his arms back and forth. “So what now?”
    “Dunno.” Michael answered as an awkward silence began to settle on the group.
    “Race ya to the cliffs.” Roy suggested.
    “If you don’t mind losing.” Michael balked at his counterparts confidence.
    “You wish.” Roy scoffed under his breath as they broke into a run.
    Adin lagged behind and called out to the others, already far ahead. “Wait.” Michael stopped short looking back and waiting. It took several moments for Roy to realize he was alone. He looked back to see the others walking up behind him.
    “What took you guys?”
    “Sorry.” Adin apologized.
    “It’s no problem, what are friends for?” Michael said with a nonchalant shrug.
    “Sorry, I just didn’t notice. From now on I’ll be sure to make sure you’re always alright.” Roy declared so loudly that the other two children gave a start.
    “Thanks.” Adin smiled.
    “It’s fine.” Roy said grinning broadly.
    “Roy, you know the island right?” Michael said looking over the crest of a hill.
    “Uh huh.” Roy answered.
    “Then you can show us around.” Michael said.
    “Alright. I wanted you guys to see the cliffs. It‘s the best place to watch the ocean.” Roy grinned even more broadly as he led the others towards the cliffs.

    These days brought life back to me but it didn’t feel like long before it was all over.

    The three children lived together on that island for nine years, they always stayed together, the best of friends. Three days from the conclusion of their ninth year was when the forces of change began to move once more.

    “Michael, if you don’t do better than that you’ll never beat me.” Roy shouted as they clashed together fighting with wooden swords.
    “Who’s losing?” Michael balked as he struck down his opponent.
    “Ah!” Roy fell backwards and lay stunned. Michael looked at him for a moment then began to walk away.
    “Like I said--Huh?!” Michael was cut short when he heard shuffling in the dirt behind him.
    “You fell for it! Roy Ultimate: Play Dead then Sneak Attack!” The jovial youth hurled himself forwards with a grin on his face from ear to ear.
    “What’s that? You don’t just yell it out when you’re gonna attack like that. It leaves you wide open.” Michael reacted in just enough time and parried the blow sending Roy into the ground again.
    “I lost again.” Roy moaned as he stared up to the sky from the flat of his back.
    “Another?” Michael offered his hand and another match, but his friend simply shook his head.
    “No. I’m good, maybe tomorrow.” Roy laughed.
    “Fine with me. So, what do you plan on doing the rest of the day?” Michael looked out over the sea as he spoke.
    “Dunno. We’ve been through everything. The island-- I guess there’s only so much you can do.” Roy said with a light sigh.
    “Thought so. I know you’ve thought of leaving before, we all have.” Michael said playfully.
    “The only thing keeping us here is that huge ocean. Kinda wish we could do something about it.” Roy said standing straight up looking his friend in the eye.
    “Well, life is long and this happen maybe we will leave one day.” Michael said shrugging away his gaze.
    “Maybe, but just looking out over the sea… It makes me wanna know what‘s over there.” Roy said, serious all of a sudden.
    “…You know, maybe we could.” Michael said offhandedly.
    “How so?”
    “Dunno, but something makes me feel like there’s a way.”
    “Well, until you can tell me how I think I‘ll pass on the vague optimism.”
    “Whatever, it‘s not like I‘m saying to try and swim across.”
    “That reminds me of what I always used to say.”
    “Really? When”
    “Before you guys got here. I liked to run a lot I thought I could run anywhere, even the sky. But you know in the end I realized that there wasn’t a road that led off this island.”
    “There’s always hope. Maybe you just never saw the road.”
    “Whatever you say. Whatever you say.”
    “Yeah…” He heard footsteps from behind him and turned about in just enough time to see Adin appear before him.
    “Hey.” She said in her calm even voice.
    “Adin! Great to see you.” Roy said leaping over in a single stride.
    “You act like I’ve been gone a long time.” She said almost chuckling at his behavior.
    “No, it’s just seeing a friend is always really good.” Roy said running his hand through his hair.
    “Nice to see you.” Michael spoke up later and more reservedly.
    “Nice to see you as well.” Adin responded in a similarly polite fashion. “Looks like it’s gonna be a nice day.”
    “It’s already near noon.” Roy pointed out bluntly.
    “Sorry, I just can’t get out as early as you guys.” Adin explained.
    “It’s fine.” Roy said smiling again.
    “Adin, I’d like to ask you something.” Michael said his curiosity barely keeping itself hidden.
    “What is it?” Adin asked.
    “What do you think about the world outside? I mean like the big world off the island.”
    “Don‘t know. It‘s probably pretty much the same.” She answered simply.
    “Think so?” Roy asked surprised at her response.
    “Can‘t really think of too many other ways it could be.” She answered simply once again.
    “Yeah, you‘re probably right.” Michael said somewhat crestfallen.
    “Still, it doesn‘t mean that I wouldn‘t like to see it.” She said turning to face them smiling.
    “Hm.” Michael nodded.
    “Yeah, I’m not sure about anything but it would be nice.” She continued.
    “Yeah. I guess everyone would like to see a little change right?” Michael asked.
    “Maybe. I still like it here, it‘s just new things are very…well new.” Roy tried to explain but lacked to words to do so.
    “I know. Maybe one day we will leave or something.” Adin said.
    “Yeah.” Roy agreed. “After all life is long.”
    “When we do go … We’ll certainly go together.” Adin said slowly.
    “It’s a promise.” The three said.
    “Yeah, together.” Michael said with a smile creeping onto his face.
    “Agh. It’s getting kinda late. I need something to eat.” Roy interjected.
    “Bring me back something.” Michael said jokingly.
    “No way you lazy lout.”
    “Ah whatever I’ll get some myself.”
    “Well seeya all later I guess.”
    “I’ll be here.” Adin said waving the three parted.
    “Me too.” Michael said following suit.
    Roy walked away slowly watching his friends turn away and go their separate ways.
    “It’s like it was only yesterday we met…It’s been the best day of my life. Somehow it feels like things are ending. Must be my imagination, right?” He chuckled too himself as he trod down the gravel path leading to the woods.

    “Can’t remember it too well, before those two were with me, it was really dark.” Adin thought to herself as she walked away from her friends. “Yeah, I didn’t like the dark. It wasn‘t so bad, but everything was the same and there was nothing to see.” She strolled down the long winding road that led back to the town. Adin looked up at the sky, right and blue. “I guess I really would like to leave.” She thought to herself. Soon she came upon a small cottage with a steady stream of smoke rising from the chimney. “He must be home.”
    “Hi.” She walked in and greeted an odd boy who stood hunched over an open flame burning papers chanting something about bills.
    “Oh hey Adin. You’re back early, anything wrong?” He said without getting up or turning around.
    “No, it’s nothing.” Adin replied.
    “Come on you can tell your crazy older brother anything.” The black haired boy stopped burning papers and turned to look at her his head tilted off to one side and his posture unimproved.
    “Really it’s nothing.” She repeated.
    “Okay.” He said shrugging.
    “The travel bags are in the attic. Have a safe trip.”
    “I‘m not leaving.” She said perplexedly.
    “Oh, well you seemed like you‘ve wanted to. Well if you ever wanna leave you‘ll know, and more importantly if you wanna clean out the attic you‘ll know.” He said calmly as if what he’d said was in no way abnormal.
    “I will never understand you, but thank you anyways.”
    “Don’t mention it. Did you happen to see the duck outside?” He asked turning to the fire once more.
    “No.” She said a hint of curiosity carried in her voice.
    “Never mind then. Have safe trip, and don‘t forget about me.” He said waving vaguely at her as he turned over a box of papers into the fire.
    “I’m not going anywhere, but thanks Kheil.” She said smiling a bit.
    “What’re us crazy older brothers for?” He asked, craning his neck to see her expression.
    “Bills?” She answered with a smile.
    “Not funny.” He said burning another paper.

    “Changes are scary but with them around I can do anything.” Michael chuckled to himself. “Yeah, this is gonna be great.” Michael walked slowly down an unbeaten stretch of road near the sea watching the reflections and contents of the shallows swirl capriciously. Eventually he came to a hill with a small house atop it. He looked at the house and sighed before climbing the hill and entering. Inside it was empty and dark. Michael flicked on a light and walked to the houses central hub, the kitchen. He glanced over the counters and walked up to his room, the door to which had a post-it note stuck on it. It read as follows, “Remember to visit.”
    “Yeah, I remembered.” He said opening up his door and falling onto his bed. “Tomorrow and it’ll have been a year.”

    Roy reached an old cabin in the woods after some minutes of walking. He walked in and was greeted by a picture of a man and a woman standing next to each other and smiling. The second thing he saw was an older man walking down the hallway and looking at the floor muttering something about cleaning up.
    “Hey, old man. I’m home.” He said.
    “Oh, great to have you back Roy.” The older man said lifting his head and looking at Roy.
    “I haven’t been gone long.” Roy said bluntly.
    “You know you’re my only family, so humor an old man.” The man said with a hint of sarcasm.
    “Fine, I’ll make you some food if you’re gonna complain so much about it.” Roy said half joking.
    “That would be very nice, and I call not doing dishes.” The man said quickly and shamelessly.
    “What are you, five?” Roy asked raising an eyebrow.
    “When the situation demands it.” The man answered handing the youth a pot and a ladle.
    “I’ll do it, old man.” Roy said resigned to his fate.
    “Many thanks to you, you’re parents would be proud.” He said affectionately.
    “It’s good enough that you are.” Roy said sighing softly.

    The day ended as the suns disc fell to the edge of space welcoming the darkness of the night. Still the sky was lit with far away suns distant worlds, each seeming to look down on the small island waiting for the day to rise once more.
  2. Jiku Neon Kingdom Keeper

    Jul 24, 2007
    Moe, Victoria
    Okay, I'm here with a public service announcement regarding the double decker Escalade outside my house, it will be towed if no owner steps forwards to claim it. Okay, all jokes aside and in all seriousness I bring you another mediocre chapter of this mostly mediocre series, I feel it in my best interests to remind myself and my hypothetical readers that this is in part a comedy. I may not be funny, but bear with minor attempts that are sure to come eventually.

    Road 2: The Storm

    The following day went by uneventfully in almost every conceivable way. Roy Adin and Michael met in the morning and walked around the island talking, bickering, fighting, and doing all other assorted activities that got essentially nothing done. It was a fun day, for the three friends. Somewhere in the back of each of their heads, it seemed to be the last day they had left to live that way. Whether they were right or not, it was the last day they would be able to live on the island. Soon they separated and night fell.

    This night wasn’t smiled upon by a star kissed sky. Under cover of the inky blackened atmosphere the skies wailed, crying out and dropping their tears upon the small world below.

    “Adin.†Roy sat alone looking out the window of a small one room shack placed among the roots of an ancient tree overlooking the sea. “I wonder where everyone is now?â€
    “I’m here.†Michael said walking into the darkened room dripping dark water about the floor.
    “Hey. Hasn’t rained like this since the day before you guys arrived.†Roy said pensively.
    “I remember there was a storm when I was on the boat when I was crossing the sea.†Michael responded as he walked over to the window and looked at the heavy rain and winds toss about the seas and sands of the beach.
    “So why’re you here?†Roy asked turning to his friend.
    “Same reason as you I’m guessing.†Michael said looking down at Roy with a faint smile that defied explanation.
    “You were going out to find us?†Roy asked.
    “Yeah.†Michael said quietly. “But it’s hard to get around with all the rain and wind.â€
    “I was thinking about it.†Roy said slowly.
    “Two days since we talked about it.â€
    “You still wanna leave?†Roy turned again and watched Michael lean against the wall still dripping water.
    “Same here.â€
    “H-hi.†Michael opened one eye to see Adin walk in dropping a rain coat on the ground near the door.
    “Adin! We were just talking about you behind your back.†Michael said playfully.
    “Not funny Michael.†Adin replied sternly.
    “I can try.†Michael laughed.
    “So you came here too.†Roy said smiling.
    “Fateful.†She said almost sarcastically.
    “Ha. We just have been together so long we think the same.†.
    “I’m off.†Michael made for the exit suddenly.
    “Michael?†Adin watched him, a quizzical look on her face.
    “The rain is real nice. I think I wanna go for a walk.†He explained softly.
    “Seeya later.†Roy said turning back to the window.
    “Later.†Adin said as Michael made a vague wave upon exiting the shack.

    “Roy, why did you come here anyways?†Adin asked.
    “I thought you’d be here. Michael too.â€
    “I wanted to see the ocean.†She replied before he had a chance to ask.
    “Huh?†Roy stuttered in surprise.
    “Look, the rain is slowing a bit, but the wind is picking up. I haven’t seen it like this since that day. It’s a weird feeling.†She said ignoring his grunt and sat next to him looking out the window at the sea.
    “Really? I wouldn’t know, never did go out to sea.â€
    “Me neither.†She said smiling slightly.
    “Huh?†Roy sat up straight for a moment.
    “I-- Crash! -- What was that!?â€
    “I don’t know.†Before he could think Adin headed straight out into the tempest.
    “Michael!†She cried out.
    “Adin! Wait a minute!†Roy shouted after her.
    “I can’t!†She called back before rushing off ahead.
    “Dammit. Why can’t anyone sit still for a second?†Roy mumbled as he threw on a rain coat and snatched up another two before barreling out the door after his friends. “I knew today wasn’t gonna be good.â€

    “Adin! Roy!†Michael called out into the roaring crush. “Where are you?â€

    “Michael! Roy come on!†Adin screamed at the top of her lungs.
    “I’m coming! Slow down for gods sake!†Roy retorted, fighting to be heard over the squall.
    “Hurry!†She shouted back ignoring his statements.
    “I’m trying!†Roy shouted. “Dammit Michael, where are you?!â€

    “Maybe this wasn’t the best time for a walk.†Michael chuckled as he sat beneath a rocky overhang looking out into the opaque wall of water. “Adin, Roy, I hope you guys stayed inside, ‘cause this really isn‘t the time to be going out for a walk.â€

    “Adin! We can’t find him like this! We need to find out where we are first!†Roy pleaded as he struggled against the wind.
    “Fine!†She shouted back to him through the violent squall. The two of the struggled to find theiur way about but eventually came by a rock outcropping large enough to stop the rain.
    “Hey, would ya look at this. Roy, Adin, it’s nice to see you on this fine day.†Michael laughed.
    “No time for joking Michael.†Roy said annoyed.
    “Well, I was afraid you come do this.†Michael sighed.
    “What?!†Roy shouted in surprise.
    “I was worried about you is all. I don’t like the thought of you guys putting yourselves in danger over me. I’m sorry.†Michael said rubbing the back of his neck and smiling nervously.
    “It’s fine. What’re friends for after all?†Roy said calmly.
    “Heh. Well we’ll just have to wait it out here I guess.†Adin said.
    “I appreciate it though. You guys coming out here.†Michael added.
    “It’s really nothing.†Adin said.
    “Okay then. So what now, anything anyone really wanna do under this rock?†Michael said jokingly.
    “Not much but wait out this storm.†Roy said scowling.
    “Sorry, I forgot you hated the rain.â€
    “It’s not bad, not that bad.†Roy retorted.
    “Whatever, I think it’s beginning to let up. I’m going outside to check. I’ll be back in a second.†Michael pushed through the curtain of water streaming off the edge of the rock. He was welcomed by a cloudy night sky letting only a light rain reach down to the earth. “Hey guys the worst is over. The storm moved by pretty fast. Now it‘s just a light rain. We can probably go back now.â€
    “Really?†Roy said perking up immediately.
    “Yeah it’s just residual water from the woods running over you now.†Michael explained.
    “That wasn’t so bad was it?†Adin said poking fun at Roy.
    “We should get back before something happens.†Roy said still somewhat annoyed.
    “Alright, I’m going home.†Michael said suddenly/
    “Me too.†Adin said waving before she started away.
    “Seeya tomorrow.†Roy called after them.
    “Tomorrow…Sounds good.â€

    “What an interesting night.†Michael mused to himself as he walked back down towards the house on the hill when there was a strange noise.
    “Huh? What was that.†It sounded like nothing he’d heard before, it was neither the wind nor the rain or anything of that world. It sounded oddly metallic and yet dull as wood at the same time. The sound was soon followed by it’s source. Slowly the raindrops falling around him turned black filling puddles with dark liquids.
    “What the hell?!†Michael turned about looking everywhere watching the water grow black. Suddenly a small creature crawled out of one of the puddles. It tilted it’s head off to ones side and swayed slowly like a sea anemone. Soon more like it began to appear crawling about slowly each eyeing him with narrowed glowing yellow eyes.
    “Dammit. What are these things?†Michael cursed under his breath as he scanned the area. By this point multitudes had appeared each with it’s head tilted the same way, each swaying slowly as if blown by a soft wind. Suddenly several attacked throwing theirs swaying bodies at him while flailing their thin ribbon like arms. Though he tried to fight them off but he couldn’t even touch them as he felt cold slimy claws tearing his own flesh. Soon his breathing was ragged and his vision blurring.
    “I’m sorry guys, I guess tomorrow won’t work out so well for me after all.†Michael chuckled to himself as he began to fall. “Can we take a rain check on that?â€

    “Michael. Always doing pointless things. It’s like he doesn’t think at all sometimes.†Roy grumbled as he trudged through the muddy roads. “What?†Before the brown haired youth stood a short squat inky black creature quivering in the wind letting it’s thin limp arms blow haphazardly about it. It stood with it’s head cocked to one side staring.
    “What is that?†He asked no one in particular. It began tilting it’s head even further just as it looked as if it would twist it’s own head off it stopped and snapped back to the full upright position.
    “Now that was freakish. Hey you… err thing. What-- the hell?!†In a moment the squat creature was joined by several dozen others just like it each eyeing the boy as a cat eyes a bird. Slowly the dark mass began to advance not shifting their collective gaze even once. Roy stood perfectly still as he watched them move, totally frozen with a deep terrifying sensation.
    “Dammit legs run, walk, jump, crawl, do something! Move!†Roy cursed. “Come on move! Move! Dammit! Move!â€

    “Kheil. I’m home.†Adin said as she walked in and placed here wet raincoat on one of the many strange looking coat hangers.
    “Hey. How’re the jumbo shrimps?†Kheil greeted her with a smile before turning to a box of papers with a sigh.
    “You know I wish you wouldn’t call people that.†She said shaking her head at him.
    “And?†He asked with exaggerated curiosity.
    “They’re fine, we just got stuck out in the storm.†She answered resignedly.
    “Well that’s good. That you’re back I mean.†He answered before tearing on of the more displeasing papers into quarters.
    “I know.†She said absent mindedly as she sat in front of the fire.
    “So, what’d you guys do out there? You were gone for quite a while, spare me no dirty detail.†He said with a devilish smile.
    “Not funny.†She said in a deadpan delivery that only a comedian could match.
    “Only a dirty mind would know what I meant by that.†He snickered before shredding several more papers.
    “That’s not what I meant.†She retorted throwing a discarded sock at him.
    “It’s only natural for people to be this way. After all the meaning of life is pro--†He began totally ignoring her.
    “Shut it. I don’t need to hear that speech again.†She said dismissively.
    “You’re a cold one younger sibling.†He said feigning hurt. He was about to continue when a loud rumble shook the house.
    “Hey, what was that?†Adin asked recognizing it wasn’t thunder.
    “Thunder? Nah, it’s something else. Sounds like…Dammit. Adin, stay here for a sec I need to check something out. Don’t move out of this room.†He said before sweeping away his papers and dashing towards the coat hanger orchard picking up a grey coat and bounding out of the house flashlight in hand.
    “Okay. But what is--†Adin began to ask before the door slamming shut alerted her to his absence from the house.
    “Dammit. Dammit. Dammit. Why here? Why now? I thought we were done with this.†Kheil said running his hand through his hair as he watched shadows creeping slowly towards the light.
    “Hey, Kheil what’s going on out there?†Adin asked from the fireplace as she continued his work burning papers.
    “Nothing, nothing, nothing, the storm’s started up again is all and I think the wind may have knocked over something way up on the mountain.†He said as he shook his head wracking his brains for an idea. Then it came to him.
    “You know where everyone else on the island lives right?†He asked quickly.
    “Yeah, there’s like twenty houses total. But how does this--†Adin answered quizzically.
    “Well, do you know where I can get some raw metal?†He shouted impatiently.
    “Well, I think someone sells it at the port but no one’s gonna be awake at this hour?†The sound of heavy footsteps through the mud told her that he’d run off for some reason, what it was could only be guessed.

    “Oh no. This isn’t right, the shadows shouldn’t be moving again, the only thing that can do that is supposed to be gone.†Her muttered as he rushed down the muddy roads towards the port.
    “Kheil!?†Roy shouted as the older male ran straight past him.
    “Roy?! Run! Run the hell away!†He shouted back without stopping.
    “I can’t move!†Roy protested in a panic.
    “Earth shadows… I’ll be back as soon as I can!†Kheil shouted as he started running again.
    “Kheil! You bastard get back here and help me!†Roy shouted angrily.
    “Sorry, I can’t help now!†Kheil said apologetically as he left the black creatures to their prey.

    “Kheil was acting worse than normal. I don’t know if I should be worried or not. He usually knows what he’s talking about though, so I might as well wait out the rest of the storm.†She looked out of a window and saw the rains begin to pour once again.

    “Found it! Sorry But I’m gonna have to borrow this!†Kheil leapt over several stands, barrels and other various things lining the harbor as he closed on his target, a small hunk of metal lying on top of a stack of items to be moved inside for safe keeping. Kheil snatched it up and turned to leave before the shop owner could do anything about it but yell.
    “Wait!†The shop owner who was trying to cover his supplies shouted as the man ran off with some of his steel.
    “No time to waste gotta go help some people!†Kheil said as he dashed back towards his home.

    “Dammit, I was too late. Adin I‘m sorry about this, really but I can‘t do anything about it now.†Kheil looked at a swarm of black creatures littering he ground where Roy had been only minutes before. His face scrunched up in anger before he ran onwards to his home tears of anger streaming down his face. “I pray I’m not too late.â€

    “It’s dark here…â€

    “Can this really be happening…â€

    “Kheil! You’re back, what’s going on, seriously?†Adin asked as Kheil entered with a darkened look on his face.
    “We’ve gotta leave here.†He said ignoring her entirely.
    “What’re you talking about, huh?†She asked again.
    “I’m saying that bad things are coming and we don’t have much time before we get caught up in them so we’ve gotta go now.†He said as he picked up a raincoat and tossed it over to her.
    “Explain it to me then if it’s so important.†She said letting the coat fall to the ground.
    “The day we came here the shadows were moving on their own, without being cast or anything. Everyone in our hometown died except for us. I don’t know what it is exactly but these shadows are going to kill everyone here too.†He said through grit teeth.
    “We’ve got to save--†She began.
    “We can’t, I have enough power to help one person, and one person only.†He said flatly refusing to help anyone else.
    “What about everyone else?†She asked staring at the ground.
    “If it means anything Roy already--†Kheil began.
    “Shut up.†She let the tears that had been welling up in her eyes fall.
    “I’m sorry but we’ve got to move.†He said taking her hand and pulling.
    “I won’t go, not without at least trying to save someone.†SHe said yanking her hand away and running out the door.
    “I told you--Hey! I can’t let you die! Dammit!†Kheil shouted before rushing after her, but he quickly lost her in the winding roads and rainy winds that harried his every step.

    “Michael. You’ve gotta be alive still!†Adin wept as she rushed forwards towards Michaels home.

    “Damn you little sister making my life so difficult. No matter what I’m gonna save you at least.†Kheil said continuing his chase.

    “What are these things?†Adin came face to faces with a group of many slender wispy ink black creatures hanging from trees and crawling about the road.

    “Don’t die on me Adin.†Kheil prayed to himself as he ran.

    “Why are they here? This isn’t right.†She said backing away slowly before running.

    “Where are you?!†Kheil shouted in panic.

    “Sorry, everyone it looks like I’m leaving early.†As she fell Adiof all the good times her friends shared with her and how it was all over. With a final smile upon the world she let everything go dark.

    “Even after all that I couldn’t save anyone. Not my family, not my friends, not even any of the townsfolk. Well, it looks like I’ll have to get myself out at least. Familiar Adelaide, invoke.†With a burst of fiery light the block of metal still gripped in his hands shaped itself into a small figure. Soon color came to it’s face and it began to fly on paper thin wings. “It’s been a while, Adelaide. It’d be nice to see you in a better situation.â€
    “So, you’re in trouble again and want me to bail you out?†The small figure asked cocking her head to the side.
    “Could you?†Kheil said in mock of humor.
    “Yes. Hold on it’ll take me a few seconds to get the transport ready.†She said before allowing the metal to reshape itself once more. Slowly it took in the form of a platform with ony just enough room for one to stand.
    “Thanks, I’ll make this up to you.†Kheil said watching the metal morph further.
    “Yeah, right.†The sprite’s voice sounded from the platform floating above the ground. “It’s finished.â€
    “Okay, let’s leave this island.†Kheil sighed dryly.
    “Right then.†Adelaide said before moving the platform up and away from the island.