I'm surprised, i really am. Anyway, on to Watchmen. I saw the trailer and it said something about how Watchmen was one of the greatest graphic novels ever, and i simply thought "Then i wonder why i haven't heard of it before?" But i saw it at the library a few weeks ago, and i picked it up, remembering that the trailer seemed pretty cool. They weren't kidding. Watchmen is one of the best things i have ever read. The characters are deep and intriguing, the art is wonderful, and the story just draws you in. I picked it up on a saturday and didn't put it down until i was done. My favorite character was Rorschach, he was just so... i dunno. Had that whole "je ne sais quoi" thing going on for me.
Ami the ONLY original fan here!? i loved this ****ing book ever since i was 6! lol i know the book was wayyyyy too mature for me i found that out when i asked my dad "what is rape?" i hated Silk Spectre she such a whore DX Dr. Manhattan FOREVER!!! Comedian ftw Niteowl FOREVER!!!! Rorsharch is full of lulz burning kids eyes out splitten dogs head and all that raspy **** 8D
So it really is as good as i've heard, I read about it in a few magasines about the game, film and graphic novel. I guess i'll have to have a read of it.
Hope I'm not being an annoying necro-bumper, but I just picked up the novel today, and, having read about 100 pages so far, I love the story. Rorsach and the Comedian are really realistic in the way they act, which contrasts greatly with the superhero theme, and I can't wait to see how things develop.
I read it when I was 9. It was very disturbing to me. But then I reread it and I realized why people loved it.
The Age rating has changed from 18 to 16 over here so i'm taking this girl i met to see it it. I have a thread for watchmen in the media section already as i have said.
ugh. It's **** like this that makes me embarressed to be a comic book fan. Not to mention, Watchmen is not the type of book you can go "omgomgomg RORSCHACH lolol". It's not Yu-Gi-Oh! or Naruto. A woman gets raped. A girl is chopped up and fed to dogs. A man is thrown out of a New York skyscraper. And then there's the ending. There is no "lulz" or "ftw" when it comes to Watchmen. With that said, I'm looking forward to the movie.
I think this belongs in Comics, but whatever. :v Anyway, I'm about one third into it now, and it's already brilliant. What I don't get is how it wasn't as popular before. It's just... wow. Hopefully the movie will be as good.
I loved Watchmen. A friend of mine wouldn't let me see the movie until I read the book. Their villian is probably one of the best thought out villians I've read in a long time (Harry Potter and Twilight's whole revenge scheme gets boring sometimes). You could actually walk away from the movie and book and be swayed into his thinking. It was such a great book.
It was always popular. But it was popular within it's specific fanbase and intended audience (that of course being those who read comic books). The movie just turned it into a hipster fad. But what annoys more than the fact that Hot Topic is selling Watchmen t-shirts, is the fact that the most of the **** in Watchmen is flying all over your heads. Hardly any of you get it. I preferred it when the only people that liked Watchmen were the people that got it. I liked the story, I got the characters but I didn't get everything about it. Now you see kids raving about how cool Watchmen is because of how badass Rorschach is. And that ****s me right off.