Now, i'm looking at my TV right now, looking at what would be considered 'heroes' of today. I really think that saying any of these people are heroes is bull. Sport stars, actors, bands, singers, models, reality TV show contestants...the list could go on. I don't get how any of these people are anywhere near good enough heroes to the younger generations of the world. These people have millions thanks to being shown on TV. Thats it. Some of them are drug addicts, alcoholics, dropouts or atisocial, and these are the people we want to be? The questions. Are these famous people worthy of being called heroes? Do we have any heroes anymore? Who would be your Hero? Why? (I understand if anyone believes their parents to be heroes, and you can put them if you want)
They get paid too much, in my opinion. Footballers get paid thousands of pounds a week just to kick a ball 'round on a pitch. N' more than often the clubs that buy the players are placed in huge debt. Same for models n' actors etc. They get paid extraordinary amounts of cash to prance 'round n' perform, n' when their contract is up they negotiate for more money. To me, that's just so selfish. Ok, that's their job, but they get paid more than professions like Doctors, who try to save lives which is certainly harder than posin' or sayin' a few lines. The money could be spent on thin's that could be more beneficial to us, but we love our entertainment too much. I would never consider these people to be heroes. They provide nothin' but entertainment, n' that's all they are gonna be to me. Though, some actor/actresses donate money to charities n' such, which is a generous gester, whether it be to boast their appearance or not, they are still helpin' other. Any heroes today? Well, that depends what you consider is a hero. Ploice, firefighters, soliders, doctors could be considered heroes. It's their job to help maintain the public health n' safety - takes a lot of dedication. A person in the street helpin' someone in dire need could be consider a hero. Someone that risks their life to aid another is who i would consider a hero, or someone you have a lot of respect for, be it for what they do, or what they stand for. My hero? I don't actually have one. I have a lot of respect for my mum, but i wouldn't go as far to say she is my hero.
To answer your first Question PaW the famous aren't worthy of being hero's because they are people like everyone else except in some cases where they do stuff like drink drive which precisely the opposite of being a hero.The Only real differance is that they are mostly on a screen that decripts information into images which means they aren't really on TV but their visual image is. There are heros to this present Day but the thing is that there is never the case where it is complete and Absolute which is to say from someones view someone could be a hero and in someone elses view that same person could be seen as, for lack of a better term "Evil".It is always a case of Perspective.I cannot think of a hero that lives in the present day but i know that there are heros out there. One of my Hero's would be Eamon De Valera who was one of the greatest men in Irish History.He is the reason we are free to the present day.He fought at 4 courts in Dublin on Easter Monday in 1916 during the 1916 rising.It falled but instead of the irish people wanting just home rule people wanted full freedom.He was the only senior Commander to survive the rising without being excuted.He was strictly anti-British.He would Talk in Irish whenever he talked to a British Person like most Irish resistance(Some of the Bravest irish).He is the father of modern ireland in my opinion.He didn't go to comprimise a treaty and it didn't make ireland much better but he made a constitution to destroy it.Unfortunately the north of Ireland Remained with Britian and i'd say if he was alive today we would've gotten it back.He had became the first taoiseach,became president and became taoiseach again.He Died in 1973 and i think it's because of him that i am the way i am.He is the reason i can keep an open mind,he is the reason i had free secondary and Primary education,He is the reaason i can express my culture freely,he's the reason i have freedom.I would've been so proud to shake his hand.It would've been the most memorable moment for me.
The age of 'heroes' died a long time ago, no one will be a true hero these days. In my point of view the most heroic thing you'll be able to see is on games, in reality no celebrities can be called heroes they have done nothing grand for the patetic respect they've been getting. In my opinon. I have no heroes, because everybody is a villain inside.
You would have to be George Carlin to appeal to younger kids in a hero-ish fashion. Everyone else is way too serious about the Hero image.
Hero's in todays younger generation's world is getting sadder by the minute, as they worship famous celebrities like the popsicle Victoria Beckham who wears 7 year old clothes, or people that act fairly well... I'm not criticizing their jobs (Except for Victoria, I mean, what does she do that makes reporters go wild??) but I think that its sad that doctors (who saves lives every-day) don't get the money or recognition as a chavvy wag would. Come on, what does celebrities do aside from their job? Drink, drugs, Jail, Prostitution, the list is endless. Some celebrities bring shame onto us. Younger generations copy celebs rude gestures and the way celebs party or do drugs. What happened to the true image of a hero? Destroyed, left in tatters as celebs introduce crime and harm. All celebs are not heros, but some are not as much of a show-off as others. All celebs get paid by the truckload a week, if not more. I just feel really sorry for those who worked in a job saving citizens lives everyday, and they're not being noticed, because these bigots have their face all over the magazine.
What are these heroes you speak of? The people today are too fucked up to be a heroes. The only heroes in this world now are in fiction.
There are high profile people who are deserving of being called heroes. Not high paid actors or sports stars, but people who are political activists, writers, scientists, and others with practical professions are heroes. They shape the world as we know it, without them the world would fall apart and everything would be in a right awful state. So basically anyone that actively works towards a better human future could be considered a hero in some capacity I guess. I can't really think of any one hero alone but all of the people fighting against China's iron fisted rule like the Dalai Lama are heroes to me. They fight against what's wrong ad try their hardest to make things as right as they can.
There's a song by a woman named Jill Sobule, entitled "Heroes" Here are the lyrics: Why are all our heroes so imperfect Why do they always bring me down Why are all our heroes so imperfect The statue in the park has lost his crown William Faulkner drunk and depressed Dorothy Parker mean, drunk and depressed And that guy in Seven Years in Tibet turned out to be a nazi The founding fathers all had slaves, the explorers slaughtered the braves, The Old Testament God can be so petty Paul McCartney jealous of John, even more so now that he's gone Dylan was so mean to Donovan in that movie Pablo Picasso cruel to his wives My favorite poets took their own lives Orson Welles peaked at 25, ballooned before our eyes and he sold bad wine Heard Babe Ruth was full of malice Lewis Carroll I'm sure did Alice Plato in the cave with those very young boys TS Elliott hated Jews, FDR didn't save the Jews All the French joined the resistance after the war Raymond Chandler drunk and depressed Tennessee Williams drunk and depressed Think I'll just get drunk and depressed. ^Judging from this and from my own research, there's no such this as a hero. All people share the common fact that we have problems. Heroes are people that achieve greatness(and through that, fame), by being amazing despite their own human limitations. Heroes are now what they've always been, Extraordinarily ordinary.
I don't believe a 'hero' is a permanent state of being for any one person but anyone can have moments of heroism. I.e. I wouldn't call myself a hero even though I've helped some people considerably and saved a couple lives here and there because I've also done some rotten things to other people. It's a state of the moment where you decide what are you going to do that can save something and you put your own safety on the line, or just take out efforts and time for something that benefits others. We are all complex people with more than one aspect of our natures. No one can be 'Superman' etc. Even the 'heroes' that are made up are 'good guys or girls' while they are doing good things but regular joes otherwise. Cin's poem there really sums it up nicely to say what I'm writing here. Anyone can do heroic acts but no one is truly a hero all the time. It just isn't possible. Kind of like labeling someone an idiot. They cannot be stupid all of the time. We have a lot of labels for people that are really more meant to express a state of being at a moment. As for the stars, some do heroic nice acts like donations and offer time and effort to great projects around the world. Those people would be doing something heroic. As for others that are just there to make money, look good, be sports idols etc... I wouldn't call those people as being heroic at all. Until they do something decent and all, they are just regular folks making too much money for what they do.
Lol, ok I have to agree... However, I also agree with Repliku. I think no-one can keep their status as a hero. Yes we may have our heroic moments, however big or small, but those times pass by, and you return back to your normal self.