READ TEH ELEMTZ OF CRIT GOGOGOGO NUB Anyways. Not bad DW for a hiatus. The background needs more though. It lacks fx. Try to make some other stuff added onto it. It's too simple. And for the text, put it between Sora and his keyblade. I do like the darker areas, it kinda' adds depth and focal. Try to lower the opacity of it though. Overall, good for a long rest. That's hawTT GJ KIU
made some color adjustments, did some more filters. Also, I have no C4D renders...which is why I can't really do anything faabuloouus. Oh, and no brushes, so no dupes. D: XD
Ooooooh, I like this. =D First of all, I like version one best. There's too much blue in version two. (lol) The effects are rather nice, and even though it's very plain, I think having more would mess it up. Text is pure win.
I'm sorry, but I have no idea of what I'm looking at here. I can't tell if he's preparing to fight, or dissolving into the background, or both. Is summoning a materializing keyblade or something?