Nintendo DS is a target for child molestors Why worry about dangerous strangers within a one hundred yard radius contacting your child when you can worry about the millions of strangers on Myspace? America Online instant messaging? Chat rooms? Those parents, while they think they are helping their children, they do not understand the word "risk". What are your thoughts on this?
It's simply Fox taking a very small minor thing that has a highly low chance of happening and makes it seem like a big issue. It's Fox talking crap. The girls knew the guy he was a reporter, he even said that they knew, they had a bloody camera on them, and they are in the persons house so giving the address to him is meaninless and the girls might of know that. >_> Besides isn't 300ft away from a pedo better than 65ft. "I thought it was just an advanced Gameboy" - It god damn is.
...I don't even think they realise you don't actually have to use Pictochat on the DS. Heck, you don't even need Wi-Fi most of the time unless you're playing games like Tetris, D/P, and etc.
But that's thousands in a game once. That is common on most MMO's. DS? Hell no. The limit is like 65 ft. or something. What? Your damn neighbors are gonna' kidnap you?
>_>; You believe this crap? No way. The DS wifi for pictochat is something around 65 ft. Unless you are extremely unlucky to pick up on a child molestor on it (which I've NEVER met a stranger on Pictochat, not once). This is crap that is just trying to bring down the leading portable system.
Oh for the love of... The only time I bothered with the DS wi/fi was in Animal Crossing and I've used Pictochat with some friends on campus. Just Fox blowing another meaningless issue out of proportion.
IT HAS LOTS OF GRAPHICS D: XD I laughed at this. Like DA said, Fox is just saying the usual bull**** that they usually say. You should watch this one, the Playstation Pornable XD
guys... why bother? its fox. its a well known fact they will never report something that isnt a bunch of horse****.
I say that is pretty stupid because if child molester would ask children their address ,name,and stuff they wouldn't be that stupid to write something like that.T_T lol,I'd like to see a child molester carry a ds around XD