Well, here's some good news. For unknown reasons, both Sony and Nintendo removed themselves quietly from the endorsing list in the past month. Here is the article link. Published: 12/30/2011, 9:10 AM PST
LMAO wow they backed down, I heard this group called Anonymous had threatened Sony by saying they would come back and hack their PSN again like they did last time. So maybe Sony backed down because of them as for Nintendo I don't know.
Ah, this is great. But I didn't even know that EA, Sony, or Nintendo had supported it in the first place - though I guess it makes sense since a lot of people pirate their video game. I'm very happy that they've dropped their support, for whatever reason, and hopefully, this will set an example for other companies who are still currently supporting it. Although, I'm a little more worried about PIPA than SOPA, since SOPA kinda . . . died. /sigh
If I'm not mistaken, most of the large game companies support(ed) it, because it would make sense for them. Valve, however, did not support. <3 It's lucky they retreated. If I'm not wrong, it takes away 50% of their support. (Not in numbers, but power, money, or something.
This. To take the cynical side, they might have just known that supporting it would turn a large amount of their customer base against them--something Sony has certainly learned is not a wise movie to take. And now the bill has even less support, hooray c:
Anonymous wasn't the group that took down psn.... Anyway all in all I expected this. SOPA is not going to happen in my opinion.
It seems like every year Congress wants to pass a SOPA-like bill and everyone on the internet freaks out. It has yet to pass. I highly doubt SOPA will pass this time.
The people have a right to freak out. Look into what this is capable of doing... I don't think it will happen either but still it can. That is the thing.
Oh thank God! There is no way on heaven or earth this thing is going to pass. Now all we have to worry about is that IP thing.
There's no way SOPA is going to pass at this rate. PIPA may not even pass if we're lucky. Congress has got to open their eyes to what'll happen if they do pass this stuff. Ah wait, this is a lie.