I had made another sig of my favorite smile. Its pretty simple. And has 6 versions. :ninja:: LS wants CnC. And lots of it. V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 Okay so yeah. There isn't much different anything between the version but colors. Just playing around. Cnc?
Dude, seriously, I'm begging you, look at some tuts, these have all the same problems as before, and more. Random ink splatter looks good ONLY in the proper styles, this isn't even a style, it's random placement, which does not work.
They are good, but they look a bit messy >.> And the faces look all pixelish/blockish, I know you probably cant do anything about that, but If you cant fix the pixel look, maybe get the background and design to look a bit pixelish/blockish so It would look normal and would blend In Either way, thats good!
Dude, I'm begging on my behalf: LOOK UP SOME TUTS. Normally I wouldn't say that, but you don't seem to know how to use splattering correctly. Your sigs have ALL the same problems. Pick ONE render and ONE only. Pick a HIGH-quality version at that. Change the text to one less bold and one a little more modest. It's easier to blend it in. The effects seem very choppy and the effects are over the 'image' - can't safely say focal - and the text is as well. For some reason, you have the STRANGEST choice in focals. Here's a tip: DON'T use smilies/emoticons. I can't honestly think of anything to make this one better but to just start from scratch again. Sorry man. :/
Please don't post in here unless you have some constructive CnC. Rules of this section...you probably haven't read them.
*Facepalm* Tutorials, instuctions for making signatures, and go to the "Resources" threat in the "Graphic help/Tutorials" section to find some.
Well...you shouldn't call them instructions because that implies that sigs have to be made a certain way, which is not true. You're gonna have to do some googling.