Spoiler: Introduction To This Thread Well, I always tend to come up with neat little ideas for short stories here and there, yet never seem to get them down. And since i'd like them all in one place I figured why not just make a thread for them ^_^ I tried my hands at longer more progressive stories but my mind tends to wander freely of it's own accord. So instead of one long story, I thought, how about a bunch of short ones. For any of the stories that should follow this introduction, I would highly appreciate any kind of feedback/criticism. Be it good or bad, one must learn from there mistakes and triumph in there victories. Thanks in advance for giving some of my stories a read ^_^ Spoiler: Afraid of the Dark I gazed out across the vast city, watching the people rushing about. I was considering as to why it was they all might be in such a hurry, yet decided to dispose of the thought as it would take far too long to reach such a conclusion. Instead, I decided to ponder what it would be like to fly as the birds soaring above me. How free it must feel to be able to take flight at any time. I even went so far as to wave my arms about, imagining them as wings. Perhaps one day I should learn to fly as the birds do so easily. My gaze turned back to the hustling city in which the people never stop. As the sun is setting I prepare myself for all the neon lights to come ablaze. From up close they don't look so brilliant. Yet from where I am, perched upon the roof of an old apartment complex, the unification of all those lights shine so magnificently it could bring me to tears. Though this sight was fairly common to me, so i've grown accustomed to seeing them. I started to wonder about the stars that shine in the sky at night, and how it would feel to be one. As I started to avert my gaze to the sky, to search for the invisible incandescent figures, I was interrupted by the sound of the door opening behind me. I turned around curious as to who it was. There stood a girl, she had long black hair that came down to her waist. She carried with her a satchel, not a purse. Yet the most distinctive feature that she bore, was her eyes. They were the brightest blue I imagined they could be. It's a shame really that they be hidden behind those glasses she wore, yet still their beauty shined through. "I'm sorry," she spoke, "am I interrupting?" "No," I replied with a smile, "not at all." It was barely visible, yet I could see her smile slightly. She walked over to me with an outstretched hand, "My name's Lilly, i'm in three oh four." Remembering what little manners I had I took her hand, "Johnathan, three oh six." There was a brief moment in which neither of us attempted another word, yet finally she turned her eyes, "Umh, my hand." I looked down and realized I still had a grasp on her hand, quickly I released, "S-sorry, I mean-" She giggled, "It's alright. So, what is it you do up here Johnathan?" "I simply wonder about things that others don't." "Oh, and why is that?" She had a perplexed look on her face, yet I could tell it wasn't real. "Well, if I don't wonder the things that others don't, who will?" I smiled. She laughed, "How very true. Yet did you ever think that perhaps the things you wonder have already been wondered?" I pause for a moment and rub my chin, thinking on how I should reply. Finally I came to a conclusion, "Well, if that's the case i'll simply have to keep wondering, until I wonder something that hasn't." This time she covered her mouth with her hand, attempting to keep inside the, what i'm sure would have been, uncontrollable laughter. When she calmed down a bit she was sarcastic, "Oh, I hear that philosophers get paid quite handsomely these days." Playing along I replied, "Oh yes, quite handsomely in fact. For every thought I ponder I get paid five figures." "Really? Well then mister five figures, answer me this. How does one come about this job, I should like to apply myself." She made a slight motion with her hands as if she were writing on a sheet of paper. "You already have the position, in fact that was a great thought you just had." "So where's my five figures?" I laughed, "Figure out an answer five times, there's your five figures." Instantly a look came across her face as if to say that she had walked right into that one, "You got me. Very good." "So what are you doing up here miss Lilly of three oh four?" She reached inside of her satchel and pulled out a book, "I like to read in quiet places." "If quiets what you're looking for," I leaned on the edge of the building staring out at the city once more, "this is where you'll have it." "Hasn't been a bit quiet since I came up here," she laughed. "If you'd rather i'll go back to my wondering and leave you to read your book." "No, I don't really find it that interesting anyway." "The book or our conversation," I smiled. "The book," again she laughed, this time returning the book to it's place inside the satchel. "Good, there's something I want to show you." This time she bore a perplexed look that was sincere, "Oh, what is it?" I motioned her over to where I was standing and pointed out at the city, "Watch." By now the sun was gone and the rooftop became dark. There was a brief time in which we were standing there, alone in the darkness. I felt something touch my hand. I looked over try and see what it was. Just as I did the lights all lit up at once and Lilly had turned facing me. Her hand on mine. "Lilly?" I was confused. Her face lit up all red, "Don't misunderstand! I'm simply afraid of the dark!" I smiled at her. That smile turned into a grin, and the grin into a laugh. She still hadn't moved her hand. I looked at her grinning again, "My hand?" She became even redder and froze up, "I-I, umh." She couldn't manage to find the words she was looking for. Out of nowhere, the lights all shut off. It was completely dark again, "Must be a blackout." The grasp on my hand became tighter, so I turned to try and face Lilly in an attempt to adjust my eyes. I felt something touch my lips for a moment, "Lilly?" There was a long pause and I could barely manage to make out her say, "I'm afraid of the dark."
Here's another one. It's sort of based off of my life, and some feelings I have. But of course a lot of it is made up ^_^ Spoiler: The Scar Part 1 When I was just a child my grandpa took me on a fishing trip. We went out on the lake and mostly just relaxed while we blatently ignored the constant tug at our lines. We would most likely just toss the fish back in anyway. After a while, we decided it was time to head back. So we docked the boat back on shore and started packing up. My grandpa went ahead with his gear and told me, "Hurry up boy, don't want to be late." He smiled, "Grandma would have our heads." He walked off back down the trail as I finished packing up my things. I began my trek back to the truck we came there in. There was a rustling in the bushes behind me. I turned to see what it was. There stood a vicious beast, growling and staring at me with its hungry eyes. There were never any wolves in this area, but there was one right in front of me. Without hesitation I decided running would be the only hope I had. I quickly dropped my tackle box and pole and began to run. My heart pounding as I could hear the wolf taking chase behind me. I was getting close to where the vehicle was. I was almost to freedom, but the path had turned from dirt to gravel. I lost my balance and took a hard fall. As I turned to face my fate that lied behind me there was another rustle to my right. Bang! A gunshot rang off in my ear, "You alright boy?" I looked up to see my grandpa. "Y-yea, I think so," I mumbled while checking myself. I eventually looked down and saw the gash on my arm. There was blood pouring out. I had cut myself on the gravel. My vision became hazy, "I don't feel so goo-" I fell into an unconscious state. What happened next I could only imagine was my grandpa carrying me back to the truck after patching my wound and then rushing me to the hospital. I woke up that same night in a hospital bed. The doctor came in, he obviously hadn't noticed I was awake because he was mumbling to himself so I spoke, "Umh, what happened?" The doctor turned and faced me a bit shocked, "Woah! You scared me there." He regained his composure, "Looks like you had one heck of a day kid. You run into a rogue wolf and then a patch of gravel." He began laughing. I however didn't find it so amusing. Letting him know the distaste I had for his joke, "I don't think it's very funny." I turned my head to the side to look out the window to my right. It would be nice of me to say it was raining out, but that wasn't the case. It was pouring, the rain coming down so hard I could see anything at all. The doctor who had quit laughing already viewed a chart at the end of my bed, "Right, right, sorry. Says here you'll be fine though. You've been stitched up and you're ready to go." I looked down at my arm and seen the stitches, "It doesn't hurt as bad as I thought it would." "Well, no. Not with everything you got pumping into you," again he laughed. "Fourteen stitches. It would've been thirteen but I don't like odd numbers." I wasn't sure if that was a lame attempt at some kind of joke or if he was being completely serious. I was ready to leave, "So when can I get out of here?" "Well, you're grandpa is waiting just outside. I'll go have him sign the paperwork and then you're free to go. I'll be back in just a few moments, don't go anywhere," he smiled as he walked out the door. I mumbled to myself, "Yea, right." Spoiler: The Scar Part 2 It's been some odd years after that event. I graduated high school, and started college. I'm currently living in a one bedroom apartment, when i'm not at work or school. I've lived a pretty good life. Since that single incident I haven't faced anything bad, well compared to that anyway. Things have been pretty normal up until now. I've even fell for a girl who is in the same lectures as me. I asked her out just yesterday and she said yes. I'm on my way now to pick her up and go out for our date. As I arrive at her place I see her waiting on the sidewalk. I pull up next to her and get out, "You really didn't have to wait out here." She laughs, "I thought you might have trouble finding my place." I go around and open the door for her, "It's a little chilly out, don't you think?" As she gets in she just shrugs her shoulders. I close the door and return back to the drivers side. As I get in I ask, "Where do you want to go? Dinner, movie?" She waves her hand, "No, that's stuff is too boring. I'm not hungry and none of the ones playing interest me. I was thinking we just go and hang out somewhere." It sort of saddened me that we weren't going to eat, I hadn't ate anything previously. I put on a smile, "Let's just drive around until something interesting shows up." So I take off, just cruising around. A part of me still wanted to grab a bite to eat. She looked up ahead and pointed at a trail, "Go down that way! There's a beautiful lake! When the moonlight hits it, it's just amazing." She smiled. Regretting I had driven this way, "Yea, sure." I turn off and drive down the trail. Obviously this wasn't the same lake as before, that lake is miles away. Though this one seemed just as bad and brought up some old memories I didn't care for. I shrugged it off and pushed through. Eventually we come to a dead end, "What now?" She opens her door to get out, "It's just a short walk from here. Come on, it'll be fun!" Reluctantly I decide to follow her. I didn't mind it that much since we were holding hands. I wouldn't ever say that out loud though, but girls aren't the only ones who like it. We finally come upon the lake. I look out and see that she wasn't joking when she said it was beautiful, "Woah! This is amazing." "See, see, I told you," she pulled me closer to the lake smiling. "I use to come here when I was just a kid," she stopped at the bank and sat down. As I sat down beside her I wondered, how many kids go to lakes? Does every kid go to a lake at least once? Is it like some part of your childhood that says you have to go to a lake? If you don't go to a lake, can you say you had a full childhood? I brushed those thoughts aside as I laid back and looked up at the stars. I wasn't expecting it but she laid her head on my chest. She asked me softly, "Say, why is it you always wear these long sleeve shirts?" My heart skips a beat as she says it. It's not like I haven't noticed it. I've always worn long sleeve shirts after that incident. There was one time I decided to wear a T, but there were people asking a lot of questions. It's not like i'm ashamed of the scar, it's just the position it's in raises a few eyebrows. "Umh, well you see," I cut myself off there. "Come on, you can tell me," she raises herself up. "I can keep a secret no problem," she says it with such a smile. "it's not really something that matters right," I try and evade the question. She only retaliates harder. She comes face to face with me, staring at me dead center, "Come on, you don't have to hide it. Did you get some sort of embarrassing tattoo or something," she laughs. Realizing there is not way out I decide to let her know. Rather than tell her though, I uncuff my sleeve and roll it up. The scar shows brightly in the light of the moon. Reluctant to wait for a response, "It's not what you're thinking-" I always liked making good and bad endings for stories, so i'll let you guys pick. You can pick one or read them all, I just think some people enjoy having some sort of choice. They won't be that long but a choice is a choice ^_^ Spoiler: The Scar Endings Good Ending Bad Ending SciFi Ending She cuts me off, "Woah! That's a big scar. How'd you get that?" The look on her face isn't one of disgust, rather one of curiosity. "You don't think it's wierd or anything?" "Huh? No why?" "Well, it's just most people-" Again she cuts me off, "And i'm supposed to be most people?" She puts on a face to act mad, then busts out in laughter. "Come on, come on! Tell me what happened!" I smile and lay back down, as she lays her head on my chest once again I tell her the story of the scar. She cuts me off, "What's with that scar!? What are you some kind of freak?" My heart sinks, "What no! I just-" She stands up and steps away from me, "You are aren't you! You're just some sort of freak!" Before I can do anything she is already gone. I turn back facing the water, reflecting the moon so brilliantly. I speak to myself, "I thought it was all behind me!" I begin laughing, "That da** doctor and his jokes! That da** wolf! That da** gravel pit!" I look down at my arm, as I begin thinking of further things to curse a single tear drop falls and lands on the scar. She cuts me off with a motion of her hands. She begins inspecting my arm closely. She reels back in excitement, "This is it! You're the one we've been looking for!" Completely confused, "What?" "You're the one! The one with the scar!" I know the last ending wasn't that great, it was basically just a gag. Honestly I wanted to write a horror ending but it was all I could do to hold myself back on the Bad Ending. Some nightmares just weren't meant to be I guess ^_^ Hope you enjoyed this longish short story!
Spoiler: Untitled Part One As I sat there listening to the clock tick on the wall, I could feel the end was nearing. As I heard the door open and close behind me I held up my glass to my lips and took a lasting drink. Finally as I rested the glass on the chair at my side I said, "So, I guess it's time?" A male voice behind me replied, "Yes. You saw it coming?" "Of course," I laughed. "When could you see it?" Before answering I filled up my glass once more with the tall bottle of red comfort, "Somewhere between the first taste," I took another drink, "and the last one." "You could have ran." "You would've found me anyway. They always find who they're looking for." I again rested the glass on the chair as I stood up and turned around. My vision was blurry so I couldn't get a good look at the man, yet I saw the glimmer of the object in his right hand. "What are you waiting for? Do what you came here to do." He held up his arm and sighed, "Look at how far you've fallen." He pulled the trigger. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I was young back then, back when all of this started. Even though it was only a few years ago, I was much more naive. I remember the day in fact, the very moment my path was set. The path that would lead me to my end. I happened to be on my way to the book store that day. A new addition to my favorite series had just released and I remember thinking I just had to have it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I walked into the book store, waving at the man working there. I had seen him countless times before, "Hi, nice weather today." He looked up from a book he was reading and noticed it was me. He replied with a smile, "Sure, if you like pouring rain." "I do, very much so in fact." I looked back outside through the window as I placed my umbrella next to the door. The rain was coming down hard. "I find sound on a rainy day much more soothing than the quiet of a a sunny one." "And what of the snow?" He laughed. "Too cold," I giggled. I quickly turned to the shelves searching for the book I was looking for." "Top shelf, close to the middle," he pointed at the place he was talking about. I found it and walked over to him, "How did you know that-" "You've bought the last few, so I assumed." I smiled and paid for the book returning to the door, "Thanks, have a nice day." "Sure, you to." He returned to his book like I was never even there. I shrugged it off and walked outside under the canopy that hung over the entire block. I began walking down the sidewalk and got about three stores down before I realized I had forgotten my umbrella. Quickly, I turned around and rushed back. As I opened the door I said, "Sorry, seem to have forgot my-" I stopped myself there, as I noticed the man was gone. His book lied on the counter. I stepped inside and waited a moment thinking he might pop out at the sound of the door opening and closing. As I waited I realized the door leading to the back was open. I couldn't recall it ever being open before, even all the times I had came to this store. Against what was more than likely my better judgement, I decided to investigate. I walked to the door, entering the room adjacent. "Hello," I called. There was no answer. I walked a bit farther and came upon a flight of stairs. "Perhaps he's up there," I thought. So I took the stairs up to the second floor. As I walked along a corridor, searching for signs of anyone else, I came across a cracked door. I decided to peek inside. I looked and saw the man sitting in a chair against a wall, he was occupied in a conversation with someone on the phone. He was talking loudly, "Yes, yes I understand. No, I get that it has to happen now but I think it's too soon. I know what my job is you don't have to tell me! No, i'm simply saying that-" He stopped for a moment resting the phone on his leg to sigh. He returned the phone to his ear, "Yes, fine. I understand." He closed the phone and stood up sighing once more. I quietly moved a bit farther down the corridor as he moved to the door. He opened it wide and turned right headed back toward the stairs. At this point my heart was racing so I entered the room, hoping to find some way out. I moved over towards the window attempting to open it up. My efforts were in vain. It had been sealed shut. I took a step back tripping over my feet and landing next to a bed. Looking under the bed I noticed a case. Out of sheer curiosity I pulled it out from underneath the bed, forgetting the situation I was in. I opened it up, and to my surprise inside was a fairly new looking rifle. I started to think about the reasons he might have such a thing. Before I could get past he was an avid collector a voice rang out from the doorway, "You forget something?" I quickly turned to see him standing there holding my umbrella in his hand. I panicked, stammering to my feet, "Um, yes that! I forgot that and came back for it. But I didn't see you so I decided to look for you, I mean I wanted to let you know I was here and I just happened to see the door was open so I went through and saw the stairs and I came up here looking for you but saw," I paused momentarily, "you weren't around so as I started back for the stairs I saw you leave this room and I panicked so I came in here and found your gun you must be an avid collector right i'm sorry for intruding I didn't mean to-" I was interrupted by the shutting of the door and sound of the lock clicking. "Sure, sure. No harm done right? It's not like you've seen or heard anything today out of the ordinary." He walked over to me holding out my umbrella. I smiled feeling my heart rate speeding up, "Y-yea, right. There's nothing wrong with owning a rifle. There are a lot of hunters around this area." I reached out and grabbed hold of my umbrella. "And I won't have to worry about anyone knowing that either," he pulled the umbrella flinging me closer. He let go of the umbrella grabbing. "You won't be talking much anymore," he laughed. I struggled against him, "Please, just let me go! I swear I won't tell a soul." "I'm sure you won't," he threw me to the floor. He started to walk closer to me as I tried to move back he grabbed me by the leg and started pulling me back again. I screamed, "No!" I struggled, kicking him the best I could. I looked over and noticed in the rifle case the was a short dagger. I grabbed it quickly and blacked out. When I came to I was standing, and the man was on the floor. I staggered back towards the door, "I-I didn't mean to-" I opened the door preparing to flee, yet I was blocked by another man. He was wearing a sleeveless top, and black jeans. His hair was blonde and his eyes were hazel. On his right arm he wore an expensive looking watch, it seemed to go with the silver cross chain necklace he wore around his neck. He looked down at me and smiled, "Where are you off to in such a hurry?" He looked over at the man lying on the floor. He gently pushed me aside and investigated. He returned to me and grabbed my shoulder, "Come on, let's get out of here. I'll buy you a drink." He walked me out of the room and back down the stairs to the room adjacent to the front store. I stopped, "Why?" He looked at me confused, "Why what? I was in tears at this point, "Why are you helping me? After seeing that back there. After seeing what I did!" He smiled softly wiping a tear from my eye, "All I saw was a threat to this country who had been taken care of." Now was my turn to look confused, "Huh?" He smiled again walking me to the front door, "Come on. I'll explain on the way." Before I had time to question him further he rushed me out the front doors and into a car outside. He drove off and about three blocks down I noticed through the rear-view mirror a horde of flashing lights swarm the building. I don't know who this man is but he saved me from a terrible situation. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I didn't realize then that that situation was far less troublesome than the ones that would soon follow.