Next Time

Discussion in 'Archives' started by KeybladeSpirit, Oct 16, 2011.

  1. KeybladeSpirit [ENvTuber] [pngTuber]

    Aug 1, 2007
    Girl ️‍⚧️
    Hey, I'm not sure if I should be, but I'm sorry.
    I'm not sure I was thinking.
    It just felt right.
    I mean, you did the same thing the week before last.
    And last week, when we were dancing together,
    I'd never felt like that before.
    And in that moment today,
    I just felt different from usual
    I didn't want anything.
    Or rather, my mind didn't.
    I dunno.
    I guess I decided to listen to my body for once.
    And for the few seconds when I had my hand on your shoulder
    I felt right.
    Honestly, I should have just put my arm around you,
    Laid my head down on your shoulder,
    And closed my eyes.
    I was tired after all.
    And if I had done that...
    Well it would have been pretty damn romantic, don't you think?
    I mean, there's nothing between us.
    But there's nothing that I'd like more than to sit with you like that.
    But now I'm left here.
    Right where I was with you just four hours ago.
    Leaning on a pillow and pretending it's you.
    All because I was too scared to grab your arm and never let go.
    Maybe next time, eh?
    I promise, I'll tell you then.
    To your face.

    Yeah. She and I were spending time together and I put my arm around her shoulders. She politely asked me to remove it, and I obliged. This goes a bit more in depth as to what I think I was feeling.
  2. KeybladeSpirit [ENvTuber] [pngTuber]

    Aug 1, 2007
    Girl ️‍⚧️
    Genre Savvy

    I wanted to fix it now because I know how this goes.
    I've seen the news, watched the movies, read the books, everything.
    You should know too.
    Boy meets girl
    Falls in love with her
    But he decides that it's best for her if they stay friends
    He tells her all this, hoping it'll put his mind to rest.
    And for while, it does.
    But then he grows obsessed.
    He can't stop thinking about her.
    He talks to her when she's not there.
    He has dreams about her every night.
    And no matter how much time he spends with her, it's never enough.
    And then it gets worse.
    He needs her all the time.
    He starts stalking her.
    He needs to know where she is.
    Who she's with.
    What she's doing.
    Every second.
    Of every minute.
    Of every day.
    And then it gets worse.
    He begins to need her.
    Every part of her.
    And he begins to think that maybe he does want more than just friendship from her.
    And he starts having her over more and more.
    And then one day they're alone and he simply can't contain himself any more.
    You see?
    This could have been our story.
    But I'm too genre savvy to let that happen.
    That's why I fixed it.
    You'll be okay now.
    I fixed it.
    It's okay now.

    This is what I do late at night when I'm thinking about recent events in what I suppose can only be called my love life. Feels good to let it out.