Initially I thought this was just a joke I just simply came across whilst looking at various news articles... Still wondering if this guy did it for real or just for a crack at it. Anyway, thought I'd like to share this article with you all. I had come across this the previous day and was practically baffled by this. Apparently in Toombawoomba they've denied rights to gay marriages but allowed this owner to get married to his DOG. Now I agree that people should have their own right for freedom in their choice of marriage, but I'm not sure if this kind (man marries dog) applies to that. I'm not going to disrespect the fellow though since it was his choice after all and he's probably quite happy about his marriage... But to deny same sex marriages in that same area? :/ In my opinion, it won't be too long before PETA starts banging on this guy's door. What are your opinions on this issue Kh-v?
Isn't bestiality actually illegal? (At least in the US?) But he says it's not sexual. Also, I hope that's the dog's tongue I see in that picture, not his. But I guess it doesn't surprise me what you said about gay marriage. In my state, you can't marry someone of the same sex, but you can marry your first cousin. Besides...the dog's a girl, not a guy, so it's morally and traditionally right *enter lolface here* Anyway, not going to lie, I did laugh quite a bit at this. What could PETA say though? Even if the dog has no idea what's going on, it's not being treated badly. Hell, it's going on a honeymoon. My pets would probably love for me to take them on a vacation.
I entered, intending to find a complete crackpot story. Instead, it seems the guy's actions were tongue-in-cheek. He's awesome. On a more serious note, it's worrying that legal marriage to animals comes before same-sex marriage.
I'll be honest...The first thing I thought, especially when I saw the picture was "Ewww." Yeah, no. Marrying a dog? I feel almost bad for this guy. Is he...lonely? This is just weird. I'm sure this isn't the first time it's happened, but it's weird to me. He says it isn't sexual, but...Who knows, they're like making out in the pi--*shot*. Seriously though. He's not hurting the dog but I don't know...It doesn't seem right to me. Especially that this is okay and same-sex marriage isn't, which is what really bothers me, I suppose.
Just gonna put this out there, gays and canines have nothing to do with each other. I understand what you mean I guess but when you put it the other way around like 'If gays could marry then why can't someone marry their dog?' Don't have anything to do with each other. Not in all states. In the majority, yes, it's illegal. If he really is being honest about the relationship and not being sexual then I don't really have a problem with it to be honest. If he is sexual with a dog then there's issues there. Such as the dog not wanting it, more immoral etc. I don't think that it will really get that serious though. He might have just done for the fun of it. I'm not really worried about it. Again, Bestiality hasn't been outlawed in all states, such as Alabama. It just simply hasn't been brought up because there are more important issues than people getting married to their pets. I don't think this should have anything to do with gay marriage, mostly because gays are people and have the intellectual capacity to understand what's happening. Dogs, cats, man-made things don't have intellectual capacity and are a completely differently evolved race.
i think this is wrong... so, you can marry your dog, but not someone of the same sex. i don't think that's right at all.
I guess I feel the same way that I feel about gay marriage. I don't really care...but if this is an actual, legal marriage and the guy is getting the tax benefits and everything, I will be extremely pissed off.
I know what you were getting at but you probably should of seperated those two thoughts more. Anyway, it is hard for me to tell if the guy was serious and the article wrote about it in a joking matter because it is wierd, or if the guy did it more of a joking matter to begin with.
From what I can tell, it's the guy who's doing it as a joke in the first place. The article doesn't do much more than provide quotation from him. If he were serious, the article would have been significantly more scathing towards him. In this case, it seems like the article was just reporting the facts. There's very little there that's opinionated.
Ah, mary someone of the same sex is legal in the Netherlands... And to mary a pet, well I don't think it should be... It's gross. Anyway, I don't think this is a serious thing... I mean, it looks to photoshoot to be true...