What are yours? if you wish to share. Mine are to finish a story I've been working really hard on, and to finish writing the songs on my bass that I've been working on since last year.
There are a couple of forums (KHV included) that I want to be more active on. I also have a couple of personal projects that I started a couple years ago and never got around to finishing, so I would like to finish those.
For me, probably spend more time with Akane ^^ (Even though i spend 99.9% of my day with her as we live in the same house alone :P), Yes we're both girls, no we're not related, Got a problem with that? :3
My resolution is to let my heart have its way just a little bit more. I figure that's all I can do to fix how I am right now. Absolutely none. ( ・ω・)
Let's see... -get a better job that doesn't pay minimum wage despite asking for a bachelor's degree in Education (minimum!) -move out -branch out with my artwork some more -lose more weight; I've already lost 35 pounds this past year, I can keep going
Here's my list: Study like crazy to get my GED (the homeschooler's equivelant of a high school diploma) Get my photo ID (Being homeschooled, I don't have student ID, and to get photo ID, I need to have photo ID. Confusing, right?) Get a job (I mean, I'm stinkin' nineteen, I want some money so I can actually buy stuff.) Finish writing all my stories and send at least one out to hopefully be published. (I really don't need to add anything in parantheses, I just did this for the heck of it.) Study Karate and build stamina, strength, and flexibility, until I'm totally unbeatable. And that's my list.
I can't get a legal job yet because of my age. Finish and start the comic I'm working on. Cheer up a bit. That is all. EDIT: This^ too.
Well firstly I'd like to get a more consistent job, one that's actually paying regularly. Hopefully I'll get that pretty soon supposing things work out. Want to finish the school year stronger than I started and get into a good college. To stop stressing about so many things, to just let things fall as they may. Finally to get to the place I want us to be in our relationship, and for me to have the trust I need to make it work.
Well, now that I think about it, I've got a couple. I think I'd love to play tennis more often. I haven't had the time lately. Gotta get fit! (I am the laziest bum ever hahah) Second, I shall watch my calories and eat less - I don't know, I just feel incredibly awkward with my body. All the time. So yeah. I'm determined to be satisfied somehow. Third, to do something really awesome with art. I've been offered a little project in a comic book place so I actually hope that really pushes through. Oh, and maybe create some freehand piece (maybe of my OCs) that really jumps up my gallery. And of course, get our webcomic among my friends and I actually working and progressing -__- Fourth, cosplay. Haha. I really want to. And I pray that today will be the year that I can do not one, but a couple. Heck yes. Last, I guess maintain my honors in school until I graduate. I fear the anticipation of the nearing summer will bend my grades but I think my mum would enjoy seeing them in my report card. Yup, that's it c:
Get rid of my insomnia,paranoia,and other assorted mental issues. And get some motivation to work and study,so I do not fail these big exams coming up. And I suppose to find out more about those I love on both KHV and in real life. And claim their souls. Knowing me though,none of these shall happen. Back to the drawing board~
The idea of making a New Year's resolution for myself never entered my mind until now, does that make me content? One thing I can do that I can think up on the spot would be to make the step from vegetarian to vegan.
Mine is to attempt to be nicer to people instead of constantly trolling them. Well, that's one of them, but the other one's a secret :P
Pretty much stop worrying for nothing. Like I get worried about something that happens today and panic of how it will effect tomorrow. -__-