[video]http://www.geeksaresexy.net/star-wars-episode-vii-viii-and-ix-1/[/video] *Waits for the reaction I am expecting*
Woah! I can't wait for this, I may not be a huge fan of Star Wars but that video ;-; I had goosebumps.
...........WHYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!! *grabs closest weapon-like object* I shall make sure this never happens. We need movies for something like Knights of the Old Republic
Eurgh, this new plot line is just completely sh*tting on the EU's face, all those awesome/semi-awesome/good/bad/awful/ohgodwhowouldwritethiscrap books/comics/games gone to waste...
They cast William Shatner as Luke and Leonard Nimoy as Han?!? This is ridiculous, there can't be any intelligent life left at Lucas studios.
It makes sense to change the actors, since the originals are getting on in age now... but casting somebody actually older than them...? Lucas might as well have played every role himself. I'm seriously annoyed they're bringing back Jar-Jar though.
Why am I thinking of Han Solo saying "these lifeless keys used to be full of power" with Nimoy's scratchy voice? Oh yeah, because my mind likes to be fucked.