New Rules ~READ~

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Rosey, Nov 7, 2007.

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  1. Rosey Chaser

    Apr 15, 2007
    The Staff have decided that this Section needed some cleaning up, so we made some new rules. PM me if you have any questions regarding them.


    -Post all Fan fiction chapters in one thread. This does mean that if you posted your last chapter over a week ago, you can double post to add in your next chapter. But only if its been a week since you last posted.

    Note: This does NOT mean you have to wait another week before post another chapter. That is only if you were the last person to post. However, if you really want to post the chapter, feel free to edit it into your last post

    - Do not post Prologues. Because they are so short, just wait to post them with the first chapter.

    -Constructive Critique is welcomed in this section. However, do not just bash the person, tell them what they need to work on, and how they can improve. On the other side of the spectrum, do not just say, “I liek it, ish amazing! WRUTE MOAR!!!” Tell them what you liked about it, don’t just say you like it. Anything else, can and will be considered spam.

    -6 words per post please. This section does count for posts, its appreciated if you made them look like actual posts.

    -For the love of god, please uses spell check and proper grammar. This is an INTELLIGENT part of the forum. Please make it seem that way. Remember, spell check is your friend. :3

    -Do not post threads such as “THE ROXAS SHOW!!” That have the characters like they are in scripts. If it’s not in an actual story format, most of the time its not a serious fan fiction. If we see these threads, staff can and will move them to the Spam zone. If you believe your thread doesn’t belong there once moved, please PM a staff member.

    -Do not post Polls. This would be advertising your story, and it clutters up the poll on the front page.


    Keep in mind that the staff has the right to add in more as they see fit.

    Also, if you violate the rules mulitple times, the staff will not hesitate to give you a warning.

    The Staff and I will be going through the Creativity Corner moving threads that do not fit in with the new rules.

    Have fun writing =D
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