*dies* I can't wait for this one to come out...looks like RE4 w/ the better shooting style, survival rather than horror, which I like better anyways. I think having it in a foreign country is a good idea; in games if they should threats at you in english, it's usually pretty laughable...they're pretty cheezy sometimes. Here, you can make it as corny as you want and it still sounds cool. Though the overload of enemies...I hope they just don't throw a bunch of the same enemy at you like they did in RE4, but add newer and harder guys...they were talking about this in a thread about AI; how about some smart enemies instead of a ton of lemmings? I haven't looked up many trailers; has there been anything about the mirages yet? yeah for chainsaws XD
What did that guy mean by his last partner was a woman too? Could it be the main character from RE4? Or he had someone with him that was killed/died/mutated over there and it could just be some dark humor? Oh well...great graphics...I didn't think Capcom would make something that good looking...maybe they should make a next-gen Megaman game(and actually put some effort into it)...
Resident Evil 5 looks like it's going to be pretty intense. Loved the trailer. I'm anxious to hear a release date.
I see Capcom has added in some white zombies too. Unfortunate white tourists maybe? Only thing I dislike about this is Capcom throwing CV out of the canon making Chris train for ten years. Oh and the guy yelling into the megaphone. Didn't like him either. This female character sort of intrigues me. At first I thought it was Ada or FongLing but everything hints at a new character.
Looks great. With Siren and SH: Homecoming I forgot about RE for a while there. And its great that there is a useful partner again. I thought it was Haiti at first before she said "Welcome to Africa" lol.
I noticed the white zombies too... Maybe to quiet the rants of the game being "racist?" Speaking of which, it's been ages since I've heard any of those rants anywhere since the game was first announced. It may have died, but since the site opened, they didn't really want it to start all over again. Same goes for when they release the game. Still, the majority of the zombies are black. And it seems there was some sort of riot . My guess is that it may be taking place in apartheid-era South Africa.
Resident Evil 5 looks very good. The graphics and the gameplay mechanics are awesome. Plus, maybe a good story. The only downside: I've heard this game is going to be released in 2009. I hope that isn't true...
It's in (southern?) Africa; they said in a Game Informer article, I think it was, that the makers wanted it to be in Africa because that's where mankind started out, so naturally the virus started there, as well. I'll look it up later tonight for the details...I can't remember things very well, so I'll have to read it again to get it straight XD btw, someone said something about a RE4 main character? What were you talking about? I didn't really understand what you were talking about.
So I'm looking forward to that.. Hoping to be addicted to more than one weapon than the knife this time, lol.
Knife! Me and my friend loved/hated the knife in RE4. We used it all the time, but it took forever to kill even the beginning "zombies" (can't remember what they're called) Anyway, i'm really excited about this game. RE4 was one of the best games i've ever played and this looks even better. Not too excited that the trailer showed him getting killed so many times, though. I had a hard enough time surviving the beginning of RE4.
I meant that I thought this game used the same main character as RE4's main character(I never played it so I don't know his name but I do a bit of the story of RE4)...This new character mentioned that his last partner was a woman so I kinda thought that it might be the same guy in RE4. Probably not since they(the main characters) look different from each other...
No, this isn't Leon Kennedy, he was the main guy in 4. This trailer looks killer, can't wait to get my hands on this game.
Yeah, this guy's Chris Redfield. He was in other RE games, but not in RE4. I really wish this was Leon, though.... T_T Has anyone seen any screenshots of Claire Redfield yet? She's probably gonna show up, just curious if there's any news about her yet.