Sony's updated console strategy since 2000: MAKE EVERYTHING SLIMMER. I DON'T CARE HOW YOU DO IT, JUST MAKE IT SKINNY.
Huh, so this will make the price on the slims drop. Maybe I'll pick one of those up then. =] This one is ugly as fuk so far though. 8(
I actually quite like this look, I don't know I would take any skinny PS3 over my gigantic fridge of a PS3, it takes up so much space, not to mention looks ridiculous sitting next to my Slim PS2 and PSX. ((big gaming problems)) BUT. If this solves the framerate problem that PS3 has then I will want this. Sony had a framerate problem since the PS2. It never really ruined games for me, but if I get into a very demanding scene with a lot of fighting/character models the game looks like a freaking slideshow.
I don't think it looks THAT bad....... and if it's top loaded that will make it a lot easier to keep the blu-ray lens clean. Also I don't even know if there's going to be a PS4 anytime soon, but if there is why bother making a new model of a soon to be obsolete system.
Got this from a comment on Kotaku: So all of those are good points. The early photos of the slim didn't do it justice so I'm willing to give this one a chance, but I just don't like the overall bezel design of the PS3. My confusion with the loading of the disc comes from it looking like top loads, but there being an incision in the bottom right? But that could just be a "design detail."