hey everyone. i made a myspace. the names axel so if u want a friend you can add me. my url is myspace.com/AxelChakrams
I don't think that this belongs in the Discussion section. I would think more like the spamzone if even that.
Discussion usually implies a minimum of intelligence. I've had to move another thread of yours. Please choose your thread destination more carefully. -moved-
So who gives a crap that no one asked me if I care? I said that for the people that care about my opinion. Dumb ass.
Remember kids: He's not a man in a bush that touches you strangely after asking pointless questions: he's Dalk!
... that was a WTF moment joker. XD ya. XD my friends are calling me axel because im cosplaying as him in the future
What the ****? You wish to know what **** is? Well, this site kind of won't let me post an educational slide show on this material, so... /I have to get some entertainment somewhere. Congrats on the Myspace thing, though, before I forget. I hope to still see your posts around here, though.