That was to be expected, yes. FF7' s 3D+CG combo was the biggest graphic slap a video game ever gave me, I mean a year before it I was playing with sprites on the Snes, but ever since the PS1 you just have to look at CGs to know how next gen real-time will look. More or less. Not that Luminous isn' t impressive at all, the improvments are just very predictable now. Compared to the jump from 2D to 3D/CG it' s kinda meh.
Wow. All these little demos are impressive. I'm not sure if the physical properties of everything can't be implemented into a game to this level but just seeing it like this is pretty awesome. Water effects are just lovely.
Well, I used Maya a little (the CG software Square used to make FF8). Reflections, dynamic lighting and particles required an insane amount of computing time, of all the things that software could do those three were amongst (if not the) most power-hungry. But then they named their engine "Luminous", I don' t know how well it can handle particles, but they clearly anounced that it would be focused on lighting algorythms. If they managed to make them not require much computing it should improve graphics immensely, a good lighting works much more wonders than using more polygons.
wow. That's just amazing o.o The fire one (or whatever the glowing stuff is) is quite awesome and pretty. Truly great demos.
..... I... I'm speechless. It's incredible. I really want to see a XIII-universe game with this engine now. LIke nao. Plz.