New KH2FM+ Scan, and Interview

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Xaldin, Mar 7, 2007.

  1. Xaldin ITS OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    A new scan has appeared over the net. Close to the bottom there are new images of interest; DiZ talking to an Organization member (Who is possibly Riku/Xehanort, as these are probably the scenes that use to only be dialogue by Riku/Xehanort and DiZ), and a new area where you can re-fight all of the members of Organization XIII.
    Note: The Demyx battle in this area gives you the same amount of time to defeat double the amount of water Nobodies he normally summons, making it a much more difficult fight. There is also a new interview.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Here are some short highlights of the interview, which talks a little about a mysterious hidden enemy:

    1. He/she is stronger then all the Organization members. If you do not defeat this secret enemy, then the secret ending will not be made available.
    2. Even if you know the method to actually hurt this enemy, it causes very minimal damage.
    3. Nomura mainly referred to this secret boss as the "Strongest Enemy".

    He also said that there is a new Kingdom Hearts project coming soon.
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Xaldin, Mar 7, 2007.

    1. RoxasRox
      thats true nomura does love mentioning that project
      and about roxas' health bar... isnt it like 10 bars in the PV preview trailer?

      Thanks for updates Xaldin!!
    2. kitty_mckechnie
      woohoo, only 3 weeks left.
    3. Inasuma
      Yes! 3 weeks until I can play the KH goodness! ;)

      I have a feeling that his health bar in this scan (Roxas') is because of the difficulty or something, that, or the battle has alterations within.
    4. Mari
      Nomura is cute =)

      Anyways, I can't wait for it to come out. Marluxia battle ftw
    5. John S.
      John S.
      3 more weeks till this great game is out! and is there any confermation on if the knight is the secret boss?
    6. Utawarezen
      Looks interesting, these next 3 weeks are going to be the longest ever for me. Now for the next 3 weeks I'll be going insane about "how the heck am I supposed to get to that area?" and "will I even stand a chance on critical mode?!" and etc., oh great. One thing I'm really hoping for is that after you beat them once you can fight them again, if they made it so that after beating them once you can't fight them again, well then that would suck. Anyone else notice how all of the Drive Gauges say MAX at 5, and Saix brings yours up to a total of 6? Also, there are no screencaps for Xaldin, Saix, or Luxord. Oh noes!
      EDIT: Look at that insane amount of HP Sora has in the Demyx fight. O_o Wow..
    7. Hyperwire_2.0
      He has the same ammount wahile fighting Axel and Xemnas. Also his magic is increased. Check this out, look very closely at sora's HUD in the picture with all the Keyhole-like things, he has a max drive of 9! So far that's only obtainable with the AR Max for KH2. 10 battles in all depicted, yet the most surprise comes from DiZ talking in the World that Never Was.
    8. libregkd
    9. ukali_rules
      Wow. Kewl..... *droolz* Anyway, what the HECK! Everyone else has like, two or six HP bars and Axel has a total of 16. Wtf.
    10. libregkd
    11. Fruity~

      I wonder why are you so happy. I got several reasons that tells you why I am not very happy:

      1. I am staying in Malaysia. So it will take some time for it to be in Malaysia.:mad:

      2. I dont know for to hear or speak Japanese.:p
    12. libregkd
    13. keyblade master 93
      keyblade master 93
      yeh the moogle thing is gonna be my problem i wont no wat im making lol
    14. Chad Thundercucc
      Chad Thundercucc
      Yeah and when you need to know how to play a mini-game but it's all in Japenese. So I better learn Japenese soon...