New Interview (Very Interesting)

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Xaldin, Apr 1, 2007.

  1. Xaldin ITS OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Xaldin, Apr 1, 2007.

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    1. Crispers
      omg omg sooo we have a chance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    2. Yozora
      So the Roxas-look-alike could be Roxas! thanks Xaldin!
    3. A Link to the Future?
      A Link to the Future?
      This is GREAT news. I'll pre-order FM+ as soon as an European version is announced, IF one is that is.
    4. Playgame38
      Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes we may be getting it !!!!!!, In English of corse!
    5. twilightsown
      Yes, sweet justice T_T
      I hope it really does come over in English ><
    6. Marluxia52091
      "With over half the sales coming from imports, it would be interesting to see how much the game would sell in other areas." YES!!!!! omg i knew sales numbers would butter him up
    7. KHexpert12
      Major Major Hint! Thank you!

      - He was also asked about the three Soldiers once more, though this time it was based on the new secret ending. Nomura's response was. "All three soldiers took a while to create, I wanted to give them a Kingdom Hearts feel. Most of the knights hold no relation to any of my previous characters."

      Most of the knights hold no relation to any of my previous characters."
      That is a big clue! That means most means 2 out of 3 so one of them has a relation to someone in the past games!

      My prediction is its the Blonde Hair Soilder! he looks like a complete twin to Roxas and somehow he will have a relation with him and I think we will find out what that is ver soon!
    8. Vexed
      I seriously didn't expect to read the about the possibility of an international release. o_o

      It'd be amazing if it came out here~

      Hm..So not all have releations..This gives me a good theory.
    9. John S.
      John S.
      OMFG!!!! I dont know if I should import now.
    10. Nushaa
      Woo! There is hope. :D
    11. AXELMemerised
      oh yay! There MIGHT be a KH3

      more for a KH3

      so the Blonde H S. ISN'T to be roxas

      so the book gets burned?

      TRUE THAT! haha

      bring it to USA and sales will sky rocket!


      a movie?
    12. SephirothX10
      i will pre-order too!....but i don't know japanese.... *sigh*
    13. The 13th Soul
      The 13th Soul
      wow this info is grate we now have a bigger chance for a ES relise (as well as an internation relise) of KH2: FM and the other info is also good grate job on getting this Xaldin :)
    14. Inasuma
      Damn straight.

      He better bring FM+ here. x3

      But if he does I'm gonna be like "Ah **** why'd I import? >_>"

      Oh well, thanks Xaldin. :0
    15. bennyjr123
      Omg! Oh My Freakin God! To All You Little Non-believers Who Said "theres No Chance" In Your Freakin Little Faces! God, Thank You For Answering My Prayers! Yeeeeeeeesssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!
    16. Aoi310
      Haha great job to you too Xaldin!

      It's soo nice to see an update from you guys, it always gets my adrenaline rushing and keeps my anticipating for more everytime!

      And of course the Enigmatic Nomura strikes again!! haha
    17. The 13th Soul
      The 13th Soul
      ohhh if there will be a KH movie i would defintley go see it. it would probley be like the best (have it be like FF7 advent children or somthing that would be awsome) lol
    18. finalArcanaXXX
      Yes!!! OUr prayers have finally broken through!
    19. John S.
      John S.
      Im still importing! since once it comes here Ill be in the army so i would have to wait a while anyways.
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