New images & info from 358/2 Days HD Remix

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Misty, Jan 27, 2013.

  1. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    Hey everybody! We've got a nice bit of news this weekend, it seems--Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD Remix has been confirmed for localization, and we've got a look at the upcoming box art. The game drops in Japan on March 14th, still no dates for the rest of the world but we'll keep you updated.


    In the meantime, we've got some nice new screens from the HD remaster of KINGDOM HEARTS 358/2 Days. Unfortunately the game will not be playable, but the HD remix will feature a three hour cutscene movie to recap the game's events.
    001.jpg 002.jpg 003.jpg
    004.jpg 005.jpg 006.jpg
    007.jpg 008.jpg 009.jpg
    010.jpg 011.jpg 012.jpg
    013.jpg 014.jpg 015.jpg
    016.jpg 017.jpg 018.jpg
    019.jpg 020.jpg

    Sources:, translations by goldpanner
    Thanks to forum member libregkd for tipping me off!
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Misty, Jan 27, 2013.

    1. super_rocker_90
      hmmm interesting i guess we will receive 3 diffrent themes from each game, now this would be hard to choose to make it as your main theme ! lol XD
    2. libregkd
    3. Meilin Lee
      Meilin Lee
      It's nice to know that even the voiced scenes from the original DS game will look better as well
    4. Explode
      I'm liking the way this is turning out. Glad to see that scene with Xigbar in Agrabah made the cut.

      What I'm most curious about is how they'll handle, or avoid, the scenes from the first couple days where the members who went to Castle Oblivion take Roxes to Twilight Town. They're kind of tutorial-ish, but they also have some good conversations that are semi-important. Also wondering about the Beast's Castle mission where Xion can't use the Keyblade. I'm thinking about these two parts in particular because showing them would probably mean updating textures for a lot of locations that could otherwise wait until the next HD collection.

      Anyway I'm glad it's closer to 3 hours than 2. A lot happens in this game, so that gives them some breathing room.
    5. Meilin Lee
      Meilin Lee
      I think they'll only include the important dialogue (like how Zexion talks about Kingdom Hearts). Speaking of which, I'll try to contact Vincent Corazza (VA of Zexion) in the next few days to see if he recorded lines yet (although I'm not sure if Square-Enix is more stricter this time after what happened with Jesse's tweets, so he may not be able to say...)
    6. Truly Mad Moves
      Truly Mad Moves
      Oh, man, oh man... you know what I'm hoping? I'm hoping that Alyson Stoner plays Xion. Here, and for the rest of the series. Even if Hayden Panettiere is available to play Kairi, Alyson should be Xion anyway. Anyone else want to start up a "Hayden is Kairi, Alyson is Xion" petition?
    7. Meilin Lee
      Meilin Lee
      Well, this was on her official website recently:


      Considering the only video game other than KH she voiced for was some Phineas and Ferb game, I think you can guess who this "familiar character" is. But take it with a grain of salt for now.
    8. Madoka
      Those images look amazing! :O I can't wait until the release! :D
    9. Serenacake
      3 hour movie? Hmm not sure how I feel about this, but I am certainly excited for this. I can't wait for a release date so I can preorder it ;n;
    10. Airi Ban
      Airi Ban
      I must buy this game. I hope they have hedgehog sized ps3 controllers.
    11. Railos
      Those pictures look awesome. :D I love how much better it looks than the DS version. Now, I really want this game.
    12. ShibuyaGato
      Man do I love Square right about now.

      The trophy support is a nice touch (though getting a trophy just for viewing everything does seem a bit odd/tedious) and those scenes look far better than they've ever been. Thank you Libre.
    13. Iskandar
      I'm going to get directions to the Square Enix NA branch and go hug the building, and take a picture as proof, because this will be so much greatness it can't be contained. Now excuse me while I go have a fanboy moment
    14. Misty
      It is weird but from the way things are going, this is probably my sole hope for a Platinum trophy. Assuming they offer platinum for each individual game and not the entire collection, that is...
    15. ShibuyaGato
      It would be really odd if they did the latter since it's a collection. Still, where they'd fit that trophy is beyond me.
    16. libregkd
    17. Misty
      Yeah I figure it might be something like this, having a platinum just for watching videos is just too ridiculous, especially for Nomura's first incursion into trophies.
    18. libregkd
    19. Misty
      >: why don't we leave my pitiful skills out of this

      It just saddens me, on the whole the trophies I've seen have been fair but Platinum should mean something.